55: Killahead {Part 1}

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Jim was laying on the table, Vendel examining him as I stood to the side.
"Your wound is festering with dark magic." He stated.
"I-I don't know if that's necessary." Jim said, scared of Vendel pulling out the shard.
"I'll step out for this." I stated, turning to the door.
I walked out, sighing as I looked around.
I heard Claire, but decided to stay outside as I watched everyone.

A few moments later, we were all standing around, listening to King Arthur's plan.
"And after all you've done, you expect us trolls to fight this war for you?" Vendel asked.
"No, not for me; with me, as equals." Arthur said.
"Glorkus me!" Vendel exclaimed.
"I vow, if we win this war, we shall live in peace." Arthur said.
I then heard a clang of metal, looking over my shoulder to see a rock bouncing off a soldiers helmet.
I glanced at Callista, smiling before it dropped, seeing who was standing next to the knight.
I swallowed thickly, looking away as my breathing quickened.
I fought back tears, forcing myself to stay where I was as my body started shaking.
Everything drowned out as I walked over next to Jim, keeping my head down as I passed Draal.
Jim saw me, seeing Draal.
"Oh no." He whispered as I met his eyes.
Claire looked behind her, seeing Draal.
"Skylar..." She trailed off, not knowing what to say.
I cleared my throat.
"It's fine, I'll make sure to stay away from him." I whispered lowly.
Jim was then taken by Merlin and I let him go, not wanting to interrupt.
Claire sighed, grabbing my arm.
"Come on." She said.

I was walking around alone as Claire had walked away with Douxie to check on Jim.
I ended up in a crowd, Vendel making a speech with Arthur.
I was pushed to the front as everyone gathered around closely.
I caught myself with my wings before falling forward.
"Trollhunter?" I heard a familiar voice ask.
I froze, my breath catching in my throat as my heartbeat quickened in both fear and saddness.
I fought back tears as I tried to focus on what they were saying.
I was living my dream.
I loved history, and now I was part of it... but I couldn't enjoy it, not with Draal standing next to me when I knew he was stone back in my present.
"Wow, we would finally have peace? No more bloodshed, no more dungeons. The trollhunter could save our kind." I heard Callista stated, Draal obviously listening in.
"Stop gawking, outsider. I, Draal, Dwoza's strongest, shall be chosen for glory!" He stated, making me chuckle under my breath.
The tears disappeared, being reminded of the first time we officially met.
"Is something funny?" He asked, turning to me.
I kept my gaze off him, knowing I'd burst into tears if I met his eyes.
"You just remind me of someone I used to know..." I replied softly, willing my voice not to break.
He snorted, making a tear slide down my cheek as a small smile came to my lips.

When the speech ended, I was watching from the sidelines as Steve and Lancelot were 'training' the trolls.
I rolled my eyes at they way they were doing it and decided to help around Dwoza.
I was tugging on a rope from a poley, waiting for the help I asked for, sighing.
Someone then walked over.
"This Troll will be helping you with what you need." I heard vendel state, making me nod.
I held the rope out behind me.
"Take this and don't let go until I'm back down." I said, feeling there hand brush against mine as they grabbed the rope.
I let it go and flew into the air, hovering around the metal that the rope got tangled up in.
I put my hand to it, forcing the metal to open.
I fixed the rope, untangling it before forcing the metal back into place.
I then landed, tugging on the rope once more.
"There." I stated, turning to the troll, only for my eyes to widen when I met Draal's eyes.
I looked down immediately, gently taking hold of the rope.
He let go and I tied it to the bucket.
I was tasked with making pully systems for the trolls to get water on all floors.
"Thanks." I said softly, blinky away tears as I set the bucket down.
I heard him snort.
"Do you need anything else?" He asked.
"I could use help while we wait for Merlin, but you don't have to." I stated, looking around for Jim.
"Then I will help." He stated, making me nod.
This was complete torture.
He followed me around as I started putting things together, helping fix some weapons along the way.
I landed delicately as I finished grabbing the last thing.
"Have I done something to offend you?" Draal asked, making me shake my head.
"No, um... you just... really remind me of someone. I lost them a few months ago." I said, tears coming to my eyes.
"I'm sorry, um... I really shouldn't be treating you like this just because of that." I stated, wiping away my tears quickly and clearing my throat.
He frowned as he looked down at me.
He sighed.
"Come on." He ordered, making me furrow my brows as I followed after him.
We went outside and he looked around before leading me to a lake, sitting down and patting the rock next to him.
I sat down, trying to figure out what he was doing.
"How did he die?" He asked.
I swallowed softly.
"He was killed... saving my brother." I replied softly.
"What did he say?" He asked.
"He said he loved me before he turned to stone. I didn't get to say anything back." I replied, tucking my knees into my chest as the memories came back.
I know I shouldn't be telling him this, but he made it so easy for me to talk to him.
He sighed, looking at me as I stared off at the lake.
"Pretend I'm him. Tell me what you want to say to him." He suggested, making me look to him.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
He nodded, snorting.
I sighed, looking straight into his eyes.
"You're a jerk." I stated shocking him as I looked away.
"That's what I thought when I first met you. But then I got to know you, the real you... not the front you put on in front of others..." I said, messing with the obsidian piece.
"You opened my eyes to so many beautiful things... you got me to open up when no one else could... You broke down my walls and you stayed with me for the good and the bad... you gained my trust. And I should've told you sooner, but I was afraid that when I did... you would disappear like everyone else." I said softly, tears escaping my eyes.
I looked back at Draal, seeing he was looking at me with what seemed to be pity.
"I should've realized it sooner... But I love you... with all my heart. And nothing will ever change that fact." I stated.
It was silent for a minuted and I looked away, wiping my eyes as I cleared my throat.
I stood up, taking in a breath.
"Thank you for that." I said in a whisper, a small smile on my face.
He stood, nodding.
"Sorry if it made you uncomfortable." I apologized, looking to my feet.
"No, it was just... it felt like you were talking to me, it felt sincere." He stated.
I cleared my throat again.
"I meant every word." I stated.
I then looked to the gate.
"We should get back, Merlin should be done." I stated.
We walked in silence, making our way back inside.
I frowned when I spotted a flat, circular gem that glowed purple.
I picked it up, a memory flashing in my head of my amulet.
I frowned and picked up the rocks surrounding it.
Each rock held a power I already had, except for metal, and there was an extra one.
It was a magenta color, making me frown as I prodded it, sensing the power radiating from it.
I couldn't tell what it was before my amulet absorbed it.
I frowned and walked in, putting everything else in my bag.
I spotted a crate full of metal parts and sorted through it, finding pieces that reminded me of the amulet.
I put them in my bag as well.
After a moment, I made my way to the crowd where Merlin was speaking.
I flew above and landed next to Jim.
"Where were you?" He asked in a hushed whisper.
"Draal." Was my reply and he nodded, understanding.
"It would be my honor." Draal stated.
"I am ready." Another Troll stated.
Douxie then held it out.
"For the Glory of Merlin... awake." He spoke, the amulet glowing brightly.
It floated out of his hand before zooming around the room.
From Draal to Bagwella, zig-zagging between the trolls.
I watched it as it floated higher before it zoomed over to Callista.
"Whoa, whoa!" She said as it circled her, she turned with it before she faced the trolls, the amulet choosing her.
I smiled.
"Uh, I think your amulet has the wrong troll." She stated.
"No, the amulet does not make mistakes. For whatever reason, it has chosen you." Merlin stated as he walked up to her.
She lifted it up to her face, grabbing it from the air.
"Speak the incantation. Find your purpose, the savior of our worlds." Merlin urged.
She was Deya... No troll here was named Deya and she didn't remember her troll name, her real one.
She was Deya the Deliverer.
"Me?" She asked scoffing.
"I've never been chosen for anything." She stated.
"For the glory of-"
"Bushigal!" Draal shouted, interupting her.
"It chose Callista the Calamity?" He asked before growling.
"She's basically a fleshbag." He stated.
I frowned.
"This is the humans' big plan? The only place that outsider will lead us is death!" The other troll, that wanted to be picked, exclaimed.
All the trolls started murmuring.
"Ignor them. Accept this honor." Merlin said.
"No, they're right, I'm not a hero. I'm not even good at being a troll." She stated, anger boiling my blood.
She dropped the amulet and ran off.
"What is wrong with you all?!" I asked shouting.
All eyes were on me.
"She is one of you and you treat her as if she isn't. She was taken from her home, just as you were all forced from your own. Why does that maker her, and only her an outsider?" I asked, no one daring to answer.
I scoffed.
"No answer? No good reason as to why she is treated so differently? No?" I asked turning to face all the trolls.
Jim had taken a portal with Claire.
"What if you were given a human name too?" I asked, turing to one of the trolls.
They looked to the ground, making me scoff.
"There is no difference between you besides the fact that she accepts people for who they are." I stated.
I then opened my wings and took off, flying outside.
I sat on the rock, over-looking the lake Draal showed me just before.
I pulled out the pieces I had gathered and started putting it together.
Everything snapped into place easily and my eyes then started to glow different colors as I forged it together with my fire, but the fire was a multitude of colors.
It was like I wasn't in control of building it, I was just doing it.
Once I finished with that, I fished out the stones and opened the back, putting them in place.
When I was done, it closed and I stared at the amulet in shock.
"I built it." I whispered, running my hand across it.
I looked around and put it back in my bag.
How could I have built it?

After a while, I met up with Jim, landing beside him, getting ready to fight.
"You made it." Claire said.
"Wouldn't miss the first battle of the first Trollhunter." I stated, offering them a smirk as I folded my wings.
"Knights of the round table, our battle cry will shake the heavens and awake the old gods to witness. Today, we say "No More" to fear and darkness! For Camelot and glory!" Arthur spoke.
We all cheered.
Douxie then turned to us.
"I know the Trollhunter isn't here, but we are! Champions! And I get us all home, brunch on me!" He stated.
"For Camelot!" He shouted.
"For Camelot!" Jim, Claire, and I repeated.
The sun then set and I summoned my swords as we charged into battle, yelling loudly.

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