54: Battle Royal

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"Join Skullcrusher, or I crush skulls!" Arrrgh threated, trolls screaming and running away.
"Let me talk to him. We go way back." Jim stated, making me sigh.
"In the future, maybe. But he doesn't know you yet." I mumbled, but he walked up to Arrrgh anyway.
"Arrrgh!" Jim greeted, making Arrrgh turn to look at him.
"I know under that rocky exterior you're the kindest, most loveable-"
He was cut off.
"Look like troll, smell like human. Impure!" Arrrgh stated, punching Jim into a wall.
"Hey, hey, big fella, no need for violence." Callista stated.
Arrrgh then brought his fists down, Callista dodging out of the way as I summoned my blades.
"Join Skullcrusher, or I crush skulls!" He repeated.
"Are you stuck on a loop?" I asked, blocking his fist as I slid under him, jumping on his back.
He then threw me off and I lifted into the air, confusing him.
I landed next to Jim, folding my wings as I held my swords loosely.
"We're not joining Gunmar! Not now, not ever!" Jim stated.
"Yeah! I don't like the taste of people. They're too stringy." Callista stated.
"Then die!" Arrrgh said, charging at us.
I sighed, dodging to the side.
Arrrgh knocked Callista away, making her grunt before he turned to us.
Jim dodged him and so did I, making us split up.
Arrrgh decided to go after Jim as I helped distract him when Jim decided to make a speech.
"Looks like it's just us." Jim stated after Blinky's terrible response.
"See you on the other side." Callista stated, grabbing a weapon.
Arrrgh was throwing barrels at Jim as he dodged them gracefully.
"Way to go, Jim!" I said, clapping.
He bowed sarcastically as he dodged another barrel.
I laughed, dodging a barrel myself, landing ontop of it as it stopped.
I flipped it, sitting on top of it as I watched.
Jim then grabbed a weapon after pulling a move from the matrix.
I sighed.
"Looks like the fun's over." I stated, as we kept dodging Draal.
"Fight back!" He ordered.
"Can't, I'm a pacifist." Jim replied, making me realize what he was doing as he stuck the spear in a barrel.
"Pathisist?" Arrrgh asked as he hit the spear, making the barrel fly into the air.
It landed on his head and Jim jumped over him as I dodged.
He got it off, chasing after us.
"What is pa-ci-fist?" He asked.
"Someone who refuses to participate in a war!" Blinky replied from his hiding place.
"A peace-monger!" Dictatious put in.
"A conscientous objector!" Blinky added, making Jim groan.
"Thanks, Blink." He said sarcastically.
Jim then used a broom, 'cleaning' Arrrghs teeth as a defense.
Arrrgh then grabbed the broom, swinging Jim into the air.
Callista caught him and I turned to Arrrgh.
I darted into the air, flying with my back facing Arrrgh as I avoided a barrel, landing next to Jim.
"Keep him busy! You got this!" Callista stated, a plan obviously forming in her head.
I nodded in response, Jim and I exchanging a look before Arrrgh threw a barrel at Jim, hitting his head.
"Five points to Arrrgh." I joked as we charged, sliding under him from opposite sides, highfiving eachother as we passed one another.
We then started dodging again.
I then notice Blinky and Dictatious step out, Blinky saying a few words as Jim and I kept dodging.
Arrrgh then hit Jim and I rushed to his side.
"Jim, you alright?" I asked, checking him over as I sat him up.
Arrrgh then turned to Blinky and Dictatious.
"Wait, stop." Jim said weakly.
"Jim, you need rest. I'll take care of them." I said, leaning him against the wall.
And grabbed Blinky and Dictatious as Callista warned me for a heads up.
I shot into the air, my eyes glowing silver-white to manipulate the air so these two were lighter.
I set them down as the giant waterbowl rolled through.
Arrrgh dodged it, but it rolled back, tilting towards him.
Arrrgh tried to run out, but hit trapped him underneath it.
I looked to Callista, nodding as she jumped down.
"Oh, not so tough now, are you?" She asked, chuckling.
Blinky and Dictatious then walked back over to us.
"Band of brothers, we did it!" Blinky stated.
"All of us, heroes of equal measure." He added before saying a bit more quietly, "My idea all along."
He and Dictatious then laughed as I rolled my eyes, running my hand through my hair as I folded my wings comfortably, my feathers a bit ruffled from the fight.
Everyone then peeked out as Jim ran over, feeling better.
"Glad to see you guys finally came around." He stated.
"Let's boil him!" I heard a familiar Troll-lady voice state. Bagwella.
Everyone charging and kicking him.
"Die, Scum-gumm!" She said.
I walked over, Jim following suit.
I stood in front of Arrrgh, opening my wings wide as Jim spoke.
"You can't kill him!" He stated.
"Why not?" Blinky asked.
"I know he just tried to break, like all my bones, but there's other ways." Jim stated.
"Well said. We'll tortued him!" Blinky shouted ecitedly, recieving a hit from Callista.
"No, pebble brains! He's saying, we don't have to be like Gumm-Gumms." Callista stated.
"We can be better." Jim stated.
"Then what are we to do with him, Mr. Moral Superiority?" Blinky asked.
"Perhaps, Blinkous, since it was your idea to snare the brute, you should be in charge of his care." A younger version of Vendel said, walking through the crowd as I folded my wings, knowing no one would approach Arrrgh to hurt him.
"Me? And that thing?" Blinky asked, shocked.
"Oh! Such an honor! Congratulations, brother." Dictatious stated.
"I hate you." I heard Arrrgh state as Jim and I walked away.
"Great grumbling Gruesome." Blinky stated.

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