52: Witch Hunt

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We had caught up to the others and we appearently made it to the border.
We crossed Killahead bridge.
"Yeah, yeah. Big, scary name for a puny, little bridge." She stated.
"Only if you knew." I muttered, folding my wings more comfortably.
"Rivers been dried for years, at this point it's a bridge over nothing." Callista added.
"Our friends were supposed to find us by now. Something must have happened." Jim stated, stopping.
"You guys need to get to safety." Jim stated, before groaning in pain.
I sighed.
"Whoa, take it easy." Callista said, turning to help me with Jim.
"You're still in rough shape." She added.
He winced.
"I'll be alright. You should go on ahead, too." Jim replied.
"And leave you both here to die and haunt my night dreams? No, thanks." She stated, offering a hand to Jim before slinging his arm over her shoulder as I walked beside them.
"I don't get why you trust those humans anyway." She stated.
"You'll see. We're not all bad." Jim and I stated at the same time, making us exchange a look before Jim continued.
"You just gotta give us a chance."
A fanfare started playing, making Callista's eyes widened as I looked behind us.
"Ugh, a chance to what?" She asked.
"See? Those humans are coming to turn your head into a wall decoration." She stated.
"Everybody, hide!" Jim ordered.
Everyone did so and I flew into the trees, landing in a branch above Jim and Callista.
I stayed silent as I watched from above.
"We can't let them find the others." I heard Jim whisper.
"They'll lead them straight to our village. No-good fleshbags." Callista stated.
"We gotta distract them." Jim and I whispered.
"Oh, you're right." Callista stated, pushing Jim into the open.
He groaned and then looked up at the knights.
"Oh, he-hello!" He said.
Get them!" Arthur shouted.
Jim and Callista started running and I flew after them, sighing.
"I can't believe you pushed me!" Jim stated.
"Come on! We'll lose them in the Wild Wood!" Callista stated.
We hid behind some trees, the two panting as I watched the knights.
"Come on, now's our chance." Jim stated before we started running, making me tuck my wings away.

"We gotta try and slow these fleshbags down, or we'll end up statues in Arthur's hall." Callista stated as I ran after her, making sure to keep Jim moving.
Jim was panting heavily.
"Try to keep up! We're taking a detour." She said.
We then stopped, Callista looking around as something chittered.
"What are those?" Jim asked, stepping on a pressure plate.
We pulled him back, but it still went into his shoulder.
"Oh." She said, pulling her hand away.
"You know trolls--- we like to protect our homes." She stated, moving along.
Jim pulled it out as we kept walking.
"Those fleshbags would have to be stupid to follow us now." She added as we made our way through.
"You don't know Steve." Jim and I stated.
"You two really need to stop doing that." She said, making us look at eachother.
Callista groaned as she saw they were walking through.
"Lousy smoothskins just keep coming." She stated.
"So, how did you know about the traps?" Jim asked.
"because... I used to live here." She replied softly.
"This is Tombro, my home." She stated as we walked by the ruins, making me frown.
"Or what's left of it." She corrected as I saw a statue of a troll.
"It's, uh... nice." Jim decided.
"It was. You know, 'great' King Arthur, always expanding his borders. I was just a youngling when the knights sacked the village, caught me, gave me my human name: Callista. Never knew my Troll name, my real one. You know, usual story." She spoke.
"Callista, I'm so sorry." Jim said, walking up to her.
She then stood back up.
"Come on. There'll be time to lick our wounds when those pinkbellies aren't hunting us." She stated.
"You know, where we're from, humans and trolls get along." Jim stated.
She laughed.
"And where's that again?" She asked.
"Prepare to have your mind blown." He stated, pulling out his phone, showing her a picture.
I smiled, remembering that.
He swiped through them, showing Callista.
"Look! People and trolls, working together. They don't have to fight." He stated.
"Oh! Who's the one with the baby hands?" She asked in a cute voice.
"Must be the runt of the litter." She added.
"He was tall for his age!" Jim defended, making me laugh.
"But you see? They're not all bad." Jim went on.
I felt something watching us and I stood up, opening my wings as I looked around.
An arrow went into my wing, making me gasp as I quickly pulled it out, yelling in pain.
Another arrow fired as we started running, me making sure to heal my wound along the way.
Jim tripped, the onyx shard digging into him.
I stopped, helping him up before we started moving again.
We tried to keep up, but Jim was waying me down, soon Callista was out of our sight.
We looked around, trying to figure out which way she went.
We picked a direction and started running.
Jim soon tripped and I flew after him as he rolled down the hill.
I landed, picking him back up as he coughed.
"Come on, we have to go." I said.
We then stopped when someone landed behind us.
We turned to see Morgana.
"There you are." She stated.
I stood in front of Jim protectively.
"Morgana?" Jim asked.
Jim was panting as he crawled backwards, me stepping away from Morgana for every step she took forward.
I then tripped, landing next to Jim.
She then thrust her magic staff towards us and I shielded Jim with my wing, rolling to my side.
"Don't be afraid." I heard her say, making me move my wing, Jim and I looking at her.
"I won't hurt you." She stated, helping us both up.
"Jim! Skylar! Don't kill them!" We heard Claire shout.
"You said-" She cut herself off as I folded my wings.
"I'm sorry that you were ever in a cage." Morgana stated.
Claire trapped Jim in a hug as I stepped back.
"Down in the clearing!" We heard Arthur state, making Morgana turn to see him as I opened my wings defensively.
"Go. I will draw away the others." She stated, making us nod.
"Go!" She said when Jim didn't move.
"I'll find you." Jim said to Claire before kissing her.
We then ran into the woods, but we didn't make it very far as King Arthur hit Jim back.
I stopped, running back to him as Arthur pulled out his sword.
"So, sister. Your true loyalties stand revealed at last. I warned you not to return with a clean sword." He stated, lifting his sword.
I shielded Jim with my body, my wings fanning out as Claire shouted.
I waited for impact, but it never came.
I looked over my shoulder, seeing Morgana had blocked his sword.
I got off Jim and we scrambled away.
Claire then helped me lift Jim up and we started running, Claire destroying an arrow that came towards us.
We then saw Callista, a knight raising his sword.
Jim shouted, tackling him and kicking him back, taking his sword.
I opened my wings and folded them as I went over to Callista.
"I'll heal your wound some here, but then we have to move." I stated, putting my hand over the wound.
It closed some and I looked over my shoulder as Jim nodded.
"Let's get moving before they catch up." I said.
We then started running again.

"Almost... there." Callista panted out.
I looked around, keeping my breath under control as I walked beside them.
We helped Callista up, all that running had re-opened her wound, and Jim wasn't in the best shape either.
I supported the other side of Callista as we kept walking.
"Thanks. You didn't leave me to die." She said, chuckling.
She then fell, Jim falling to his knees.
"You're in bad shape." Jim stated breathlessly before groaning in pain because of the shard.
"And, so am I, actually." He added.
I sighed, kneeling down next to them.
Jim and I then started calling for help, as I was too exausted from running to use my power without passing out.
We then saw a Troll as Jim crawled over to a rock.
"Blinky?" We asked.
"Blinky? It's Blinkous Galadrigal to you, younglings!" He exclaimed.
Jim then passed out and I ran over, tripping as I did so.
"Jim?" I asked.
He was out cold.
Blinky then sighed and his brother appeared, helping us to their hideout.

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