24: Angor Management

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We were in our hallway downstairs, near the kitchen.
Jim had tied Strickler up, holding a sock to his nose to wake him up.
"Ugh, what is this?" He asked in disgust once he woke up.
I leaned agaist the wall, arms crossed.
"Wakey wakey." Jim sang.
"We survived the night with no sign of Angor Rot. Congratulations." Jim went on.
"Thought I'd bring you some breakfast." He added, throwing the sock at him.
He scoffed.
"I don't eat socks." He stated.
"Then I guess you'll starve." I stated in turn, shrugging.
"And I don't appreciate being tied up." He added, ignoring me.
"That's why we did it." I put in, smirking.
"I asked you to protect me, not torture me." He went on.
"And I said I'd keep you safe, not comfortable." Jim replied, cutting the ropes.
"Well, the sun is up." Strickler stated as Jim stretched, letting his armor disappear.
"We'll have until sundown to get me as far away as possible." Strickler added.
"Or you could go yourself. I'm thinking about staying here for the day." I replied, stretching my wings as I stretched.
"Fine. Let me call the team." Jim stated.
"Oh, come now Jim. We can't simply give him what he wants. I'm thinking about using him as bait." I stated, my eyes glowing slightly again.
"You're doing the eye thing again." He stated.
"I can feel it, can't control it." I stated, feeling it go away.
Jim grabbed his walkie.
"Trollhunter to Warhammer, you copy?" Jim asked.
"Oh goodie. The puberty patrol is on the case." Strickler said sarcastically.
I summoned a sword, pressing it to his neck as I pushed him against the wall.
"May I remind you, you asked for our help. Let's not make fun of the people that are helping you despite everything you've done." I growled, pushing away from him at the end and letting the sword disappear.
"This is Warhammer. What's up, Jimbo?" I heard Toby ask.
Strickler then took the walkie.
"Do you really think your friends will have any chance against that killer?" He asked.
"Says another killer." I stated.
"They'll be a liability." He stated, ignoring me.
Jim took it back.
"May I remind you, you destroyed Angor's soul. He'll be out for blood, be it yours or theirs." Strickler said, making me roll my eyes.
"We didn't destroy it. He did. He took Jim's sword and destroyed the ring himself. It's not our fault that he has no control over his anger." I stated, starting to lose my temper.
"He doesn't see it that way." Strickler stated.
"I've tolerated you since the day we met. You are starting to push me Strickler. You already tried to kill my brother twice, I have enough reason to hate you, don't give me one more." I growled, my eyes slightly glowing again.
Jim put a hand on my shoulder.
"Jim hello?" I heard Toby.
"Uh, yeah. Tobes, get everyone together. See what you can dig up on finding that last Triumbric stone." Jim ordered, making me sigh.
"The ones the Gumm-Gumms stole?" Toby asked.
"Yeah. I need you guys down in Trollmarket. I'll catch up when I can. Over and out." Jim replied.
"Smart choice. For once, you're learning." Strickler stated once Toby put the walkie down.

Later on, Draal came up.
"Why trust this changeling when all he does is betray you?" Draal asked.
I breathed a laugh.
"What's so funny?" Strickler asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Unfortunately, I have to." Jim replied, before adding, "Besides, Skylar knew Strickler would come for our help, she'll know if he plans to betray us."
I breathed another laugh, clearing my throat to pull myself together.
"Is this all the canned food we have?" Jim asked, turning to me.
"You need more?" Draal asked, moving closer to Jim.
He hummed and a smile came to my face as I searched a cupboard next to Jim.
"We should chop him into little pieces and can him right now." I heard Draal say, making me laugh.
"Did you forget the binding spell? If we hurt him, we hurt our mom." Jim reminded as we all stood up, me handing two cans of peaches to Jim.
Strickler then flicked a piece of cereal at Draal, seeming triumphant.
"Doesn't mean I won't kill him as soon as we get that binding spell lifted." I stated, shrugging.
"Say you do get him out of town. What's stopping Angor Rot from finding him?" Draal asked.
"I don't know. We disguise him." Jim offered.
"Won't work. You're trying to fool a troll assassin that is highly trained Jim. Not the police." I stated.
"I agree with the Nightwatcher." Draal stated.
"We agreed that you would just call me Skylar." I said.
"Oh, right." Draal stated.
"Then I guess we fight him. Far, far away from here." Jim stated.
"I do not like this plan." Draal stated as Jim looked through the fridge.
"I don't like it either." I added, which caused Draal to continue.
"He could strike at any time at any place. He would have the tactical advantage."
I nodded along.
Jim slammed the door.
"I don't know, okay? I don't have all the answers!" Jim exclaimed.
He then sighed.
"Sorry, I know it's not a well thought-out plan, but we have to leave." Jim said.
His phone then started ringing.
"Shh, it's our mom." Jim stated.
He then yawned as he answered.
"Hey mom. Uh, how are ya? I just got up." Jim asked.
"Sorry I didn't come home, kiddo. It's been crazy over here at the hospital. Looks like my night shift is turning into a weekend shift." I heard her say over the phone.
Draal was sniffing a can.
"Nice arm. Did you get that at the toy store?" Strickler asked.
Draal turned to him, ...yell-growling?
Jim shushed him quickly.
"You're gonna be gone all weekend? Oh, sucks, mom." Jim stated, smirking at Strickler.
"I know, but you two can take care of yourselves. Just hunker down in the house. Stay safe." Mom stated.
"Sure. Sure. I can hold down the fort." Jim replied.
"You're a lifesaver." I heard her stated.
"I'll add it to my resume. Okay. Bye, Mom. Yeah, yeah. I love you too and so does Skylar." Jim stated.
"Don't push yourself too hard." I said pulling the phone away from his ear before letting him take it back.
He then hung up.
"She'll be out of the house all weekend?" Strickler asked.
"Yeah, the house'll be empty." Jim stated, the two smirking as I crossed my arms with a smirk.
Draal looked between us before scoffing.
"Fine. I have rocks for brains. Would someone tell me what's so obvious?" Draal asked, crossing his arms.
I looked to Jim as he looked to me, nodding.
"We're holding down the fort. We know the layout of this house better than anyone. With all of us in one place, Angor Rot is sure to come eventually. This is an oppurtunity no one could pass up." I explained.
"We survived one night. He's not going to survive the next." Strickler added.
"Right. We fight here. Take back the tactical advantage." Draal said, catching on.
"An ambush! Yes, I like it." Draal went on.
"But we're gonna need supplies." Jim stated.

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