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"Yea! Zoldyck Killua!" Gon responded over enthusiastically.


The name that still haunts you to this day.

The name brought flashbacks of the worst and scariest day of your life.

The name reminded you of how weak you were, how helpless.

You never wanted to hear that name again.

Yea there you are, talking to literally your only other friend who somehow befriend one of those monsters.

A monster that was one of your closest friends. A monster who you thought of as your child.

You gulped slightly, pushing down any anxiety about how this child could kill you at any moment (but Killua would never. He was your precious Killua and he never has and never will hurt you. . . right?) and put on a least forced smile you could muster.

"Y/N? Is something wrong?" His brows furrowed slightly in worry.

It took all of your willpower to not flinch. (How could you flinch when it was Killua asking you? Did his name erase all the memories you made with each other? The friendship you two had? It shouldn't. You should stop letting it. He was your friend. His last name didn't matter. He was just Killua to you. Nothing more nothing less. Stop making it a big deal and get over it.)

"Ha ha, well, I think I drank some of that juice Tonpa gave you guys so I need to go to the bathroom." You try to say while not sounding awkward before bolting off towards the bathroom.

Once you arrived, you locked yourself into one of the stalls and sat on the closed toilet.

Whew, come on Y/N, you don't need to be scared of that name anymore, it was all in the past.

You're better than this now.

You're stronger.

You can do this.

You slapped your cheeks and gave yourself a mini pep talk before exiting the stall and heading back to the arena.

While exiting, another person caught your eye.

They had pins stuck all over there face and were constantly twitching their irregularly shaped head.

Usually, you wouldn't pay attention to these people, however, this person in particular gave you chills.

Why is he staring at me?

You walked away even faster from the strange person back to Hisoka who merely hummed at your perplexed state.

"Hisoka, do you know who that person is, they're giving me really creepy vibes." You asked him.

You could very easily see his smirk from the card he covered his mouth with.

"That, my dear, is Gittarackur, someone who you should get acquainted with." He emphasized on the 'acquainted' part for some reason and it confused you even more.

"After all, I believe you'll be seeing much more of him soon enough." He said while walking off to god knows where.

While you were aware about how strange Hisoka was, he was acting even stranger today.


While wondering around, trying to find something to do while you wait for the exam to start, a very long legged guy scared the shit out of you for suddenly appearing, announcing that he was Satotz, the first examiner for the Hunter exams.

Finally, it's begun.

A/N: Heyo guys. So I'm back from my hiatus, well kind of. I realized it would take a fuck ton of time to finish writing all of the chapters for all of my stories, so instead I have decided to just focus on this one until it's completed—but the updates are still going to be random af. I'll try to make them kinda consistent but I don't know if that'll work. So for now I'm just going to publish it whenever I write it. Hope you enjoy!

Also, I, uh, totallydidntforgettopostthischaptereventhoughIwroteitawhileagoandonlyrealizedididntpostituntilIstartedwritingthenextone.

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