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Not even bothering to resist, you just let the bungee gum pull you towards him.

You wouldn't be able to escape anyways, might as well save your energy in case you have to fight your way out.

At least Gon and Killua managed to get out.

For now, you could be glad that you didn't run into Illumi along with Chrollo and Hisoka.

You waited for the bungee gum to fully drag you around the building, placing you right in front of Hisoka.

"Hisoka," you said with faux cheer, "what brings you here?"

Still tied up with bungee gum, you were set onto a wooden chair.

Hisoka didn't respond to you, standing near the back and silently staring.

"You know this girl?"

"Hmm~ I might." He didn't elaborate.

Without their attention on you, you took a look around the room you were in.

Unlike the rest of the building, where you were right now was more of a penthouse with windows instead of walls.

The room/floor was pretty empty, sparsely decorated with furniture.

With you in the room were about seven people as far as you could see, Hisoka included.

From what you heard about the Phantom Troupe, there were more than seven members and so far, you haven't seen their leader.

Even if you did get out now, without knowing where the other members are—especially their leader, you didn't want to risk it.

Instead, you stayed still and carefully watched the members around you.

So far, nothing has happened except you getting tied up on a chair, nobody else doing anything or saying anything.

It stayed like that for a while, you rocking back and forth against your binds with nothing better to do.

They seemed to be waiting for someone to come in before they did anything to you.

Probably their leader.

How fun it'll be for you to have to fight the leader of the Phantom Troupe if he decides he wants to kill you for letting his hostages(?) go.

It's a good thing you decided to save most of your energy.

You are definitely going to need it now.

At some point (you have no clue how much time actually passed except for the way the sun is fully set now as opposed to it still being semi risen when you first arrived. At least a few hours have passed), the person they were waiting for seemed to arrive.

At once, all of their heads—except Hisoka's, he was still watching you—turned towards the door creaking open.

First came dark purple boots, shortly followed by matching purple pants with white strips crossing each other.

The more of him that came into view, the more of him you recognized.

No way.

Even though you had decided to fully cut Chrollo out of your life, after spending almost your whole life with him, it was kind of hard to completely forget about him.

So, while you were examining the room and the people in it, you did wonder where Chrollo was and why he was even here.

Fully walking into the room, you could properly see the infamous leader of the Phantom Troupe.

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