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One week later, you were released from the hospital with bandages still covering your torso and forearm.

Chrollo hadn't visited you since the day you woke up, and you were getting a bit worried about him.

He wouldn't answer any of your calls and wouldn't even read any of your texts.

So, naturally you went straight to his house as soon as you could.

Soon, you saw his house coming into view, and smiled to yourself.

However, as soon as a you got to te house, dread filled up your whole being; a big sign saying, 'For Sale' was planted on the lawn.


That one question ran through your mind like a chant, repeating over and over again, you refusing to believe it.

"H—He left..." a tear ran down your face. "No. . . He couldn't have left, he couldn't have left me all alone here after all these years." Your voice was hoarse, tears streamed down your face as you ran all the way back home in denial.

You're lungs burned. You weren't that athletic, but you ran across the town you lived in while crying.

So by the time you were home, you were panting, out of breath and tears streaming down your face, mixing in with the sweat that was freezing from the cold November air.

White puffs of air kept escaping your mouth.

You walked into your house still crying and glanced at the pictures you had everywhere.

Every single one of them was with you and Chrollo; from when you were kids up until last month.

You pushed the pictures away and flopped down on your bed, immediately regretting it.

You had forgotten about your injuries while you were caught up in your thoughts and now they were aching even more.

Still not wanting to believe it, you grabbed your phone and went to the one and only contact.





Then it disconnected.

So you tried again.

And again.

And again.

You kept trying until your phone ran out of minutes.

Once it did, you texted him over and over and over agin until your phone eventually died.

But none of them; not a single one, was read.


The next day you went out and tried to figure out where he went, asking around and trying to contact him again.

You did this everyday for over a week.

And on the eight day, when you collapsed on your bed due to exhaustion, your eyes held a tinge of pain and sadness in them when realization rushed trough you.

He had abandoned you and you just had to accept it one way or another.

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