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And... now you were regretting it.

You didn't forget anything you did the night before, so you distinctly remember everything.

And clearly, it's all the alcohol's fault.

All the alcohol in the many, many drinks you had.

With the insane headache you have now, you're not sure what exactly you regret more, having all that to drink or... the other thing (or things) you did last night.

At the mere thought of it, you blushed again.

Anyways, first things first, you went to go take something for your headache, the medicinal supplies you purchased earlier finally coming in handy.

Stealthily, you made your way out of Crollo's room—

Which, now that you think about it, this is his room, so why isn't he here?!

It cannot possibly be that late in the morning and a quick check of the time confirmed it.

Chrollo should still be in bed or somewhere in his room right now, not—not somewhere else!

Now suspicious, you quietly shut the door behind you, looking around to see if Hisoka or Illumi were anywhere but they weren't on this floor either.


Light on your feet, you practically floated down the stairs and quickly grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen to take with the ibuprofen.

You downed the glass easily and then went back to your lurking, wondering why you still haven't seen anyone.

No one was on the second floor or in the kitchen and there's really only a few rooms left for you to check.

You didn't think about it before but they must be close to be living together so they very well could be just hanging out in another one of the rooms really early in the morning.

But all of the rooms were empty, leaving you even more confused.

With a huff, you plopped yourself down onto the couch you've slept on multiple times and crossed your legs, waiting.

Having nothing better to do, you meditated, calming yourself down and passing the time until you heard the door click.

"Well, well, well." You said, opening your eyes, posture still straight but arms now crossed.

"Look who finally decided to show up." You said, pushing down your embarrassment, looking at them dead in the eye.

If they weren't going to bring it up, then neither would you.

"And after all that you guys had me tell you where I was going, you go out by yourself, leaving me confused when I woke up to an empty house that is never empty."

The three of them stayed silent and you noticed there wasn't even a hint of a blush on them so you, the ever mature person, decided to wipe the previous night from your memory.

Pursing your lips at their silence, you stood up and began walking away, their silence making you feel embarrassed.

"Okay, so, never mind, I'm just gonna, yeah," you backtracked while slowly backing away, embarrassed at yourself and their lack of reaction, "hope you enjoyed your outing!" And bolted.


It's not fair, you decided.

How come they get to be so composed while you're trying to not spontaneously combust whenever things get awkward (like just now)?!

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