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"Is the monst—dog... alright?" Chrollo hesitantly asked, watching as blood continued to drip down your clothes.

"Hm? Yeah, Daisy's doing great. Her new temporary owner will treat her well." If he wants to keep all his limbs intact, that is.

"Is its new owner even still alive?" He asked, seemingly concerned about the dogs' future. "There seems to be an excessive amount of blood on you and I know no one can still be alive after losing that much blood."

You looked down again and stretched your already too-big shirt out to see blood beginning to harden, the distinct smell of copper radiating off of you in waves.

Yeaaa, it definitely looks like I just went on a murdering spree—which I did, but people don't need to know that.

Looking at the way the clothes felt right now, you frowned.

I really need to change out of these clothes though, you thought as you carefully peeled one of the sleeves off of your skin.

Similar to what the rain did before, these clothes were also starting to stick to you, except that they were actually uncomfortable on you and not just making you cold.

Really, you don't understand why Hisoka likes getting into fights so much, all they do is leave you sweaty, bloody, and in desperate need of a shower.

"Aww, I didn't know you cared about Daisy so much." You let go of your clothes.

"I'll bring her by more often if you're that worried about her." You unconsciously swung a blood stricken arm around his shoulders and brought him close to you.

Instead of pushing you off for getting him dirty, he didn't mention it and continued walking in tandem with you.

Soon after you did this, you realized what you were doing and tried to remove your arm off of him as naturally as possible.

Such close physical contact used to be the norm for you both and you guessed it was hard for you to break such an old habit.

Really, really hard.

Even after being apart for so long and then being back together again for such a short while, you've unconsciously started treating him the same way you did before.

But he's not the same and neither are you.

So, you pulled your arm away and shoved it inside your pockets to stop yourself from doing it again.

"And this isn't his blood. I made sure of that. It's just. Well. Everyone else's." You quietly mumbled the end.

(Through your peripheral vision, you could see Hisoka not even bothering to hide a satisfied smirk.)

"That's good. I think." Chrollo replied, eyes drifting to the hand inside your pocket before quickly snapping back in front of him.

"Yep." You said, refusing to acknowledge his look.

If you refuse to acknowledge it's there, you can force yourself to believe it doesn't exist.

"So the dog has a new owner now?" Hisoka chimed in, breaking the awkwardness between you and Chrollo.

"Until she rips off any of his limbs and uses it as a chew toy, she'll be in good hands." You drifted towards him.

"I see," he drawled, barely pausing before continuing, "and what was with the bag you walked out with? I doubt it's a body part, otherwise, any one of us would have realized it."

"Oh." You looked down at the crumpled bag in your arms. "It's money."

"So," Hisoka raised an eyebrow at you. "You broke into this person's house, killed everyone except him, forced him to take care of a vicious beast until it mauls him, and then took his money?"

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