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Phase One

Okay, so this was not what I was expecting.

For the first phase of the exam, you would expect something that would challenge your wits or your strength, not how long you can run for.

This is the hunters exam, really?

I was expecting something a bit more challenging, you thought while finishing the 80 kilometres before the stairs.

Not to say you weren't tired, you were running for 80 kilometres straight, it would be odd if you weren't—but it was something you expected, maybe even losing a limb or two in the process, it was the goddamn Hunter exams. Hell, even Hisoka couldn't pass the exams on his first try.

You were quickly proven wrong when you found out that the reason Hisoka didn't pass last time was because he killed someone, and not because he wasn't able to complete the exam but because it was somehow too difficult for him to pass.

You also found out that unlike your speculations, for this exam, all you had to do was run for the first phase.


—Or so you thought.

After you finished, arriving at the finish line with Hisoka—as you expected he would—the weird head pins guy, the Zoldyck, the twelve year old, shirtless man, blondie, fat guy who tried to poison you and a few more, you start to head through the Milsy Wetlands.

'The extremely dangerous place' as Satotz put it.

Even though you had never fought an edmenic magical beast before, you weren't scared.

On the contrary, you were excited; excited to finally have a chance to test your skills—the reason why you came here in the first place—excited to fight something you have never fought before (due to Hisoka's influence over the past couple of years) and excited to finally, finally prove to yourself that you weren't the same as you were before.

Prove that you're not the same person who could barely make it past the first floor of Heavens Area, not the same person who was abandoned by Chrollo and spent days trying to find any trace of the man who left you without so much as a note.

Taking a steady breath to calm your excitement, you dug your fingernails into the palm of your hand—a habit, you could call it, that you used whenever you needed to calm yourself or stop yourself from getting nervous.

(You would never admit that you only started this habit after Chrollo left because he wasn't there to help you calm down anymore and you needed to find something—anything—else that could calm you down just as well as he did.

Even though it didn't work half as well as he used to.)

Taking a step into the fog to follow the proctor, you almost immediately notice the presence of multiple magical beasts causing you to become excited all over again.


Shaking your hands a bit to loosen yourself up, you focused in on the presence of a group of magical beasts and prepared yourself for your long awaited battle.

Spending a lot of time with Hisoka was not a good influence on you; you can't go more than 2 days without fighting something because of him and (un)luckily for those magic beasts, it's been 3 days since your last fight.

You were going to take your time and fully enjoy the thrill it gave you. . . until you felt the oh so familiar bloodlust of your one and only friend. Friends? Were they really friends? You didn't know and you almost didn't want to find out.

That mother fucker, causing more problems. It's been less than a week since the last time he did this, goddammit.

Normally, you wouldn't care what Hisoka did and usually ignored it, but whenever you could sense his bloodlust, you knew he was going to get himself, and you in some sort of trouble and give you even more problems to deal with.

Looking around a bit to see where it was coming from, you went to the direction of him and could feel a migraine approaching when you saw him surrounded by dead bodies proclaiming 'he was going to be the examiner and see if they were worthy' or some bullshit.

A/N: you can blame my new beta reader/editor for how late this chapter is. She forgot to edit it and I forgot to remind her so here we are, months later than it was supposed to be. Sooo, blame her (don't) for how long this took.

*stares in your (you know who you are) direction because I know your reading this*

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