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Haa, you thought.

This phase was too boring after the trial against the inmates and now, you managed to get to the final one before anything eventful happened.

In front of you were two pathways, one that would take you and your group longer to get out and one that only three members would fit through but would be much quicker.

Without saying another word, Gittarackur jumped into the shorter passage and briefly looked back at you and Hisoka.

Realizing what he meant, Hisoka jumped in after him.

You looked behind you and saw your two other members' faces pale and start to nervously fidget.

So they realize they're the ones getting left behind.

One of them nervously looked up to you with pleading eyes, probably hoping that you would either let them take your place or help them find a way out since you were still standing here.

Unfortunately for them, you were still standing there out of pity and not because you were planning on helping them.

"Sorry guys," you put one foot in the pathway and looked both of them in the eye.

"But I'm going to go through here. Better luck next Hunter Exam." And fully went through.

What bad luck those two members whose names I don't know had, to be partnered with us.


Your group–or rather what's left of it, was one of the first groups to make it out; it only took you eight hours and twelve minutes.

All you could do now was to wait in the stadium-like area while waiting for the three days to be up.

Well, if you were going to be stuck in a closed off, dimly lit, cold room for that long, you might as well at least try to get to know Gittarackur a bit better.

Who knows, you might gain a new partner (you were still too hesitant to use the word friend, no matter the context) if you tried hard enough.

"Hey Gittarackur," you awkwardly approached him.

He glanced at you briefly to show that he acknowledged your presence here.

O-k-a-y, each letter was enunciated in your mind as you sat down beside him.

"So, do you have any hobbies?"

. . .

"Uh, why did you want to take the Hunter Exam?"

. . .

"Where are you from?"

. . .

"Do you, um, have any siblings?"

. . .

Not a single answer to any of your questions.

How nice.

He's just blatantly ignoring you.

So much for acknowledging my presence.

Fine then, if he's gonna keep ignoring you like this then you'll go back to where Hisoka is and sleep or talk to someone who actually wants to talk to you.

With one last look at him, you slowly stood up and dusted off any dirt that may have stuck onto you.

Just as you turned around and were about to walk back to your original position, you heard a quiet, "three."

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