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Whale Island

Safely landing on the ground, you immediately started to run.

And you ran.

And ran.

You didn't know how long you ran for or where you were going, but you weren't going to risk slowing down and looking back.

For all you know, they could be right behind you, all of them skilled enough to hide their presence from you while you were agitated.

You had just got out, and for the millionth time, it felt to you, you ran again.

Until you were certain you were out of Yorknew City and the cities neighboring it, you didn't let yourself stop.

Continuing at full speed, even though your lungs started burning after the first few hours, you kept pushing forward.

If you stopped now, your thoughts would go back to that building and you would think about the three of them.

Something you did not want to do right now.

Later, hopefully in the far future, you would process this and accept it instead of pushing it to the back of your mind and refusing to think about it.

But that time is not now.

Until then, you would ignore the lingering thoughts you kept pushing further back.

By nightfall, you ended up in a small, rural village, well hidden from the large cities near it.

It isn't much, but it's good enough for you.

Not wanting to risk being seen by anyone who might recognize you (in one city you ran into almost everyone you had previously met, no way in hell were you going to let that happen again), you opted to stay out of the village itself and stay in a tree in the forest bordering the village.

You'd get a height advantage against most people and easy access to run, if you need to... again.

This is fine though.

In the morning, you can find somewhere to go and figure out what you want to now do.


Contrary to what you were hoping, by the time morning came, you still had no idea where you wanted to go.

Stoic features differing from what you were currently feeling, you looked to be calmly walking around the forest you stayed in, apple in hand.

Completely different to the chaos happening in your mind.

After pacing around in circles for a while, the only place you could even think to go to is Gon's home.

Maybe you could finally meet his 'Aunt Mito' and stay there for a while.

You would need to first figure out where it is though.

Whale Island you think it was called.

Somewhere out at sea, if its title was any indication.


Islands are hard to get to (kind of).

You can lay low there for a while.

Would be able to figure out what you wanted to do now too.

So far, you've accomplished pretty much all of your goals.

You got stronger and passed the Hunter Exams, you're pretty sure.

You kind of ran off near the end and never went back but you should probably be registered as a Hunter.

You did technically pass all the tests and didn't break any rules, you just don't have a physical copy of your license.

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