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White was the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes again.

This wasn't your room, so you were freaking out a bit, wondering if you had been kidnapped after you were 'killed'.

Then, you noticed an IV drip on your arm and remembered what happened before.

I'm alive? How?

Questions flew threw your mind, and you didn't notice the door to your room opening.

"L/N-san?" A nurse asked.

You nodded slowly, still feeling lightheaded from the blood loss.

"I must say, you are a very lucky girl. Your boyfriend has been waiting outside since he brought you here to be admitted." The nurse joked.

Boyfriend? You thought, I don't have a boyfriend. Oh! She must be talking about Chrollo.

"Does he have short black hair and a banana covering his forehead?" You asked for confirmation.

"Yes, you have such a handsome boyfriend." The nurse cupped her cheeks and gushed.

"Oh, he's not my boyfriend, just a very good friend." You waved your hands front of you face.

"You two must be close, he's been here for the past two days, only leaving when visiting hours are over."

That caused you to smile slightly; you've always liked it when he's worried about you, that meant that he still cares.

"I'll send him in now, he's been so anxious." The nurse said before leaving.

Only a second later, the nurse came back with Chrollo following suit.

"Y/N!" He heeled, running at you and engulfing you in a big hug.

A little surprised from how abrupt he was being, you slowly wrapped your arms around him, forcing yourself up a bit to reach his level.

"You don't know how worried I was when I found you lying in a poo of your own blood." He tightened his hug.

Leaning back into your hospital bed after he let go, you let out a small laugh.

"You don't know how surprised and terrified I was when a Zoldyck was trying to kill me. I thought for sure I was going to die and I don't even know why someone would try to kill me; I barely have any enemies." You truthfully told.

"And then he hit my side, and it hurt so much: I just wanted to curl up into a ball an cry. But," you stuttered a bit, "I couldn't, because if I did," another stutter, "then he would just kill me," at this point, your words were barely comprehensible, "on the spot, I didn't want to die, I—" you started sobbing, unable to finish what you were saying.

Your head sunk and landed in the middle of Chrollo's chest, hot tears streaming down you face and landing on the plain hospital bed.

Chrollo did nothing to stop you, he just let you cry as much as you wanted.

After at least half an hour of crying, you sniffled and lifted your head up, your H/C hair covering part of you face.

"Thanks Chrollo. I—It was just... so scary." You wiped the water off your cheeks with the hospital gown.

"No problem." He sent you a small smile that made you blush a little.

You weren't used to Chrollo showing much emotion.

Since you were kids, he's never really shown that much of what he was feeling and a little while ago, he started going away more and more, saying he was going to work, and the not coming back for a couple of days.

Honestly, it worried you, but you knew Chrollo could take care of himself, so you weren't that worried.

Sniffling once more, you started talking again.

"So, what's new with you?" You asked him.


The two of you ended up talking until evening and the visiting hours were almost over—well, it was more like you were talking and Chrollo was listening, similar to how most of your conversations go.

"I should be going now." He stood up.

"Right." You mumbled, you didn't realize how late it was and wanted him to stay longer.

Silently, he walked out the door.

Right before he closed it, he said, "goodbye, Y/N." Which you replied with a good night yourself.

I'm sorry, Y/N, Chrollo thought while walking out of the hospital, this is all my fault.

Your bloodied body flashed threw his mind and his pace quickened a bit.

Unlike you, Chrollo knew why someone was trying to kill you: somehow, someone found out that you two were close and targeted you instead of him, the leader of the Phantom Troupe.

Because of me, you almost died, I hope that someday, you can forgive me.

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