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Now with even more free time that you didn't know what to do with, you mindlessly wandered around the city.

Almost immediately after you left the building, you dumped your 'disguise' into the trash and changed back into your regular clothes, not needing them any longer and also not wanting to continue to endure the looks everyone was giving you as you walked by them.

So what if you were dressed kind of odd?

It's not like these people have never seen anything strange throughout their lives, they should be used to things like that by now!

There's really no need for them to keep gaping at her like that, don't they know it's rude to stare?

In any case, you dumped the monstrosity into the trash and continued on your merry way, no clear destination set in mind but heading in some general direction.

If you find something cool, you'll stop and check it out but until then, you're going to window shop and people watch as a way to state your boredom.


Hours later, your boredom was very much not stated and you were desperate to do something—anything really.

You didn't care what it was as long as it had you doing something and staying preoccupied so you didn't have to aimlessly wonder what to do with your life now that you're only long term goals have finally been accomplished and nothing else is happening to take your mind off of it, as you haven't thought of what you wanted to do when this day ever came (especially since you thought it never would).

Sighing, you leaned back against the wall of a coffee shop near identical to every other coffee shop you've ever seen, very close to just begging whatever all-powerful being that may be out there to just give you something to fucking do.

(Something you would regret in no less than three minutes after having this thought.)

But resigned to the knowledge that your life is going to be incredibly boring from now on, with all your goals being done and doubting that anything would be able to top the past few months of your life.

Which is why, when a stranger in a trench coat approached you in broad daylight, in front of the most basic looking coffee shop ever, asking you to follow him to a secluded spot, you did what any sane person in this situation would do: you followed him.


No matter what, following a suspicious man who wants you to go with him somewhere is bound to give you something to do.

Even just for a bit, it'll be something to state your boredom and who knows, maybe it'll somehow give you a new long term goal or something similar to that.

The chances are slim but who knows?

This at least seems more likely than waiting for something as absurd as what happened five years ago to happen again and for you to go through yet another life-altering experience.

So a stereotypical mysterious man asking you to go with him?

Why the hell not.

It turned out to be worthwhile too (at least in regards to stating your boredom) as when you got to the little alley between the coffee shop and department store you previously went to, searching for the clothes (monstrosity) you wore previously, you were attacked (?) by three (or was it four? Does the child count as a full person or half a person?) and a half people.

Well, attacked was pushing it.

It was more like, they were trying to attack you but they also didn't have any idea how to do that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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