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"Again, really Hisoka?" You asked him, looking at the bodies littering the area around him.

Unsurprisingly, this wasn't the first time that Hisoka pulled this kind of shit and it definitely won't be the last. But unfortunately for you, you were always there when it happened and had to clean up whatever mess he made-he wasn't going to do it himself and one of you had to be the responsible one.

"Hmm~" he jeered, "Whatever do you mean?"

Without breaking eye contact, he punched Leorio straight across the face and knocked him unconscious, fighting Gon in the same manner for a few minutes.

If it was going to be a pain later anyways, you were at least going to let Hisoka get his thirst for battle stated now rather than have to deal with his incessant whining to get you to fight him later.


After Hisoka was finally satisfied, you managed to convince him to take all the people he beat up back with them (your way of helping them as much as you could without putting in too much effort. Just doing the bare minimum was enough to keep your flimsy 'morals' at bay).

Without any care, he dropped an unconscious Leorio on the ground once you reached Vista, the place where the Second Phase was taking place, and walked away.

You hoped this phase would be more challenging than the last one, considering all you had to do in the previous one was run and clean up Hisoka's mess.

You chatted with Hisoka for a bit before the two proctors for this phase arrived.

Looking around the area you were in, you deduced that this exam would probably have something to do with food or Gourmet Hunters (you may not be a Hunter but you at least knew the different types of them and the benefits of being one).

And of course, you were correct.

The two proctors for this exam introduced themselves as Menchi and Buhara and as two Gourmet Hunters. Buhara also said that the examinees would have to find the world's most dangerous pig to him so he could eat it.

So it wasn't that hard which disappointed you a bit. This was supposed to be a place where you could see if you got stronger not to see how much stamina you have or how well you can find a pig.

"Hisoka," you walked up to him, "want to pair up and search for 'the worlds most dangerous pig' together?" Even if it was an incredibly easy task to do, it would be extremely boring to do it alone and since Hisoka was here, you might as well do it with him.

"Sure~" he leaned back, "but Gittarackur would also like to join our little group, isn't that right?" Gittarackur looked at the two of you for a second.

Without you noticing, the card covering his mouth moved slightly and he mouthed something to the pinned man which made him freeze for a moment and then look at you.

Hisoka, noticing this, looked at him again, this time his face colder and Gittarackur nodded his head.

"Great, we have a team now." You said, completely unaware of the subtle exchange between the two men.

Without another word, the three of you headed off to find a dangerous pig.


The three of you easily found one of the pigs (of course you did, you had yourself, Hisoka and Illumi looking for one) and brought it back to your makeshift oven.

Unfortunately, none of you knew how to cook.

To be fair, Heaven's Arena took care of your meals these past five years and before that Chrollo used to cook for you. Even when you went on jobs, you have steal some food from the Arena and eat that.

So like everyone else's, you pig was charred.

Buhara never said it had to be good just that he could eat it.

However, Menchi added another condition to pass: you had to make sushi from Jappon with the pig. And with everyone's non existing cooking skills, this was going to be hard.

A challenge, you thought, finally.

Just as you were about to prepare to attempt to make sushi for the first time, another of the examens made a crude comment about how cooking would be useless and that this was a waste of time. This pissed Menchi off and ended up with her going on a rant about how important cooking is (which you weren't paying attention to) an then proceeding to fail all seventy-one people.

You were going to kill that mother fucker who opened his mouth and cost you the exam.

Before you had a chance to go over and rip that person's throat out, Netero, the Chairman Netero appeared. This was starting to get very interesting.

He said that he couldn't have everyone fail so he proposed a new task: to collect a Spider Eagle Egg from Slip Mountain.

Just the thought of it made quite a few of the examinees shudder and dread what was about to happen.

You, however, were indifferent to it.

You've done it before two or three times before on jobs so it wasn't anything new.

You looked to Gon and Killua to see what they would do, interested to how two children would fare with being told to jump into a nest of deadly spiders to steal one of their eggs.

You thought maybe they would be scared like everyone else or perhaps not know the dangers of a Spider Eagle and think nothing of it.

Unlike what you thought, Gon jumped right in with a smile, the rest of his group following in suite, resulting you to accidentally let out a a short laugh.

Covering your mouth with your hand, you tried your best to stifle the laugh until it stopped.

You then jumped in right after Gon, Hisoka right behind you, using his bungee gum to keep himself balanced while you used your Nen to swiftly move past all the Spider Eagles that tried to come at you.

By the time you got back up with the egg and everyone had finished, only forty-three participants remained, including you, Hisoka, Killua, Gon and his friends, Gittarackur and other people who you weren't bothered enough to learn the names of.

A/N: :0 chapter. So my dumdum brain forgot that Killua also visited Heavens Arena when he was like 6 so I hath gone back and changed a few things. It's not gonna change the plot much, all it did was make Y/N and Killua know each other and be friends and a five word line of Hisoka being jelly of a child. I also went back and fixed all the immediate grammer and spelling mistakes to make it more legible and not whatever it was before. So yea. Did that. Well, idk when the next chapter will be out but I will try to do it within a month.

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