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It can't be him.

Not now, after all this time.

Not after disappearing for over five years without even telling you he's still alive.

He can't just show up like this, now of all times.

When you've finally made more friends and had almost given up on finding him.

Just when you think you've become a different person than you were since you last saw him—that you've changed.

Him being back would ruin everything you've built for yourself until now.

It doesn't matter that you only started to change because you wanted to find him, to be a different person once you found him.

So he would stay this time and not disappear in the middle of the night after you almost died.

(A tiny part of you always silently hoped you would never find him, just so you wouldn't revert back to the version of yourself from before.

The version of you that you hate more than anything else.)

Yet here he is.

Standing in front of you.

Though there's something about him that's different than before.

Even his clothes are different; gone is the white dress shirt and bandana you used to always see him in, instead is his hair slicked back and he's wearing an incredibly fluffy fur coat, a much different style than you remember.

(You were going to completely ignore the fact that he just so happens to be shirtless as well.)

Maybe this is who he's always been.

Maybe you didn't actually know him.

Maybe all your years together were a lie.

No, those are some of your best memories.

Those memories are the reason you wanted to find him, even after so long.

You're not going to let them get ruined because of any misconceptions you have.

But you also can't accept that he's here again, not after so long.

"Chrollo." You said, trying to make your voice as steady as possible.

He flinched as you said his name.

Good, at least he has some self awareness.

"So it really is you." He said shakily. "I'm not imagining it again."

There was a bit of hesitation in his voice, like he wasn't expecting you to actually respond to him.

"No. You're not." You said as firmly as you could.

"I'm real and I'm standing right in front of you, I'm not some kind of hallucination. I'm here now, something you probably haven't missed in these fast five years."

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