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Waking up, you immediately feel a sense of deja vu.

This being the... second time? now that you've passed out in front of them and you think you've woken up in the same position as before.

Sitting up, you notice how you're lying down on the same couch you were the first time you were brought to their house, with the exact same fluffy blanket as before.

Is this the only blanket they own? Shouldn't they have more variety since there's three of them?

Yet they have only one blanket?

What the hell...

Now actually seated properly, you crossed your legs and wrapped the blanket around your lap trying to remember what happened before you fell unconscious.

You remember Hisoka being there, the hand on your shoulder, and the undoing of your gag, but other than that, you don't remember much.

"What happened after I passed out—and why am I on a couch and not in my room?"

You massaged your forehead, trying to get rid of the pounding headache that suddenly came onto you with full force after you finally calmed down.

"Shit... I need to get something for this first."

Muttering, you paused your thoughts and kicked the blankets you just made yourself comfortable in off of you.

They've got to have something that can quell your headache in this house, they have to with what their line of work is.

If they didn't have a first aid kid or even just a shelf with some random essential medications and bandages, you'd be really fucking disappointed in them.

You get that they most likely don't get hurt often but they've got to have something prepared in case of emergencies (you know that out of all of them, at least Chrollo would have something in case anything went wrong).

Stumbling through the pool of blankets now on the floor, you blearly made your way through the house, checking everywhere with squinted eyes to make sure you're not missing anything.

You opened cabinets, drawers, doors, shelves, anywhere that could be used to keep medication but found absolutely nothing.

"Amazing." You sarcastically muttered, shuffling towards the door.

The one time you actually need something from this house and it's not even there.

Just great.

Though you had just woken up, you wanted nothing more than to pass out again but knew you wouldn't be able to for as long as your headache bothered you.

So, very unwillingly, you grabbed your keys, put on a pair of shoes and straightened out the folds in your clothes that were thankfully unchanged.

You sighed but still made your way outside, trying to remember where the closest convenience store or pharmacy was.


The door to the house unlocked and in came the other three occupants of it.

"Again?" Hisoka muttered, looking at the floor scornfully.

"What happened this time?"

With a frown, he turned to them.

"Her shoes are gone."

A pained expression crossed over Chrollo's face as he confirmed what Hisoka said was true.

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