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Unlikely Encounter

You can't stay here.

That was the first decision you made once you calmed yourself down.

You have your Hunter License, and that is all you came here to do, Illumi being here was just another reason to leave as soon as you could.

The problem is: where you are going to go.

If Zoldyck Illumi was truly still trying to kill you, then it wouldn't matter where you flee to, he will somehow find you again.

Just like he did this time.

However, if he was going to kill you, he had plenty of chances to do so during the exams, unless the only reason he hasn't tried to kill you yet was because of the rules (you weren't even going to consider the fact that he might not even want you dead anymore. He's Zoldyck Illumi and you, for some reason, were his target).

In that case, you were going to have to leave—fast—before he finds your hiding place.

You only brought a few pieces of clothing and some necessities that can easily be replaced, so you don't have to go back and gather your things.

If you want (which you do), you can leave immediately, as soon as you find where you are going.

It has to be someplace inconspicuous, but. . . going to a very conspicuous place could also count as being inconspicuous since no one would expect someone to hide somewhere so obvious, right?

The more people there, the easier it is to blend in.

There are many large cities full of travelers and hunters that no one would ever find you in, but the best place to go is Yorknew City; one of the largest and most people filled city there is.


In a dark cloak, hidden in the shadows, a figure crept through the streets of the bustling city.

For the past week, you have stayed deep within the shadows, traveling via alleyway or rooftop.

Although you have been in the city for more than a week and have yet to catch even a glimpse of someone you know, you can never be too careful.

Carelessness caused you to meet Illumi last time, so this time you were going to stay as hidden as long as possible.

If anything, it's even easier than usual to hide because you are in such a big city—half the population is doing things even shadier than you are.

People are used to the unease and secretiveness of others, no one even cares what you do as long as it doesn't affect them.

Really, you couldn't have found a better hiding spot.


While walking through a bustling marketplace during your eighth day in Yorknew, the thing you have been dreading throughout the entirety of your stay happened.

You saw someone you know from the Hunter Exams.

Specifically, you saw Kurapika wandering around, less than twenty feet away from you.


If he is here, there's no telling who else could also be here.

But it's fine, if it's only him here, there's nothing to worry about.

You just have to distance yourself from him.

Stay far, far—

He's walking closer to you.

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