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Trick tower

The next phase of the Hunter Exams were planned to start at 8:00 A.M the next day, something you dreaded.

You were not a morning person and absolutely despised waking up anytime before 9:30.

But, this was the Hinter Exams and you were prepared to get out of your comfort zone a bit so you didn't complain (much).

You only slightly grumbled to Hisoka and maybe pouted a bit. Maybe.


This stage, unlike the others, required you to be in a group.

(The Hunter Exams were really dissapointing you; you thought this would be a place where you could test your own abilities, not somewhere that required you to use a group effort.)

You didn't really know anyone other than Gon, Killua, Hisoka and Gittarackur and Gona and Killua already teamed up with their friends.

Which left you with your only other acquaintances.

"Gittarackur," you approached him, talking to your two potential group members in the opposite order you did yesterday.

You were already pretty sure that Hisoka was going to join your group as he also didn't have many friends.

He looked at you, head vibrating with the pins in them, not saying a word.

Totally not creepy at all. Nope, not one bit.

Biting back any words that may or may not offend him and his pins, you gulped a bit.

"Would you," you said, "like to join my group?"

Your body tensed a bit as you were saying that, you were never good with talking to people.

It took all of your willpower to just ask that question to him.

Without saying anything, he once again nodded his head.

Cool cool cool. Now you had one of four more people on your team.

You went to Hisoka next and as expected, he agreed.

Now all you needed was two other people, but you didn't know anyone else here.

You took a deep breath and looked around for potential team members.

Shit, everyone's already teamed up.

Thankfully, before you were about to go up to groups of people and ask them to merge with your group, Hisoka already f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶d̶ politely asked two other people to join (people who were sweating and trembling in fear).

You were told that the objective of this phase was to escape Trick Tower within 72 hours. Shouldn't be too hard.

The first 'trail' that you and your group faced was that the five of you had to fight five inmates from the Tower and had to win at least three of the five battles.

Hisoka went first and with much ease, he defeated his opponent within a few minutes (and the only reason it even took that long was because he was toying with the inmate).

Next went one of the people Hisoka coerced into your group who, after a half hour of measly fighting, was defeated.

Gittarackur was next and his fight was one you were actually interested in.

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