ーtwo : family

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2nd Person

The old man Breach was your uncle. Your mother's little brother.

Surprisingly, you remember playing with him every time your parents were out when you were younger. It was nice to have a person you know to be with you.

Breach approached you and gave you a tight, warm hug. Although it felt a little foreign to you, you loved it. "Thank god, you're still alive..." He caressed your back gently as if he was hugging a pet rabbit. "How about we have a small talk in the living room, eh?" Breach led you to the living room, leaving behind some of the agents in the entrance. 

The two of you sat across each other while talking about things. Mostly on your forgotten past. After that, he started explaining what the world has become today.

"Ever since this event called First Light, people with special abilities started showing up. These gifted people are called Radiants, or Radiantes. Almost half of us here were gifted while the others mainly use weapons made by other Radiants." Breach tried to explain all information that he could properly and luckily, you understood it all well.

"Kingdom was the organization that held me captive the whole time?" You asked which Breach replied with an agreeing hum. "Then... What about my parents?" You questioned him again but this time, Breach's face distorted into a pitiful look.


This was a lot to take in. As a woman who had no one by her side for 12 whole years, this was too much. The parents that she loved were now gone. The last memory you had of them was when they went out for a trip. Your 15-year-old self was left alone in the house only to be kidnapped by Kingdom.

You did not know what to feel. You were confused as to whether you should feel angry or sad. You had the right to be angry since your parents left you alone in that house without even calling your uncle. You also had the right to be sad since you had loved your parents when they were still alive.

Both. You were feeling both. You were so close to crying again, but you held it all back.

However, you chose not to dwell in the past and start to think about the future since you were now gonna live with a bunch of strangers now. You had to try your best getting closer to them.

Breach had told you earlier about the members of the protocol. Their names were weird but you thought it was just normal for them. You had a lot of trouble memorizing the names but you were sure you would get used to it soon.

"I'll show you where you'll be sleeping tonight. Come on." Breach grabbed you by the hand and led you to one of the guest bedrooms. "Since your company wasn't expected, we still have to prepare an actual room for you to stay in. I hope you're alright with staying in the guest bedroom for a while." Breach let out an awkward laugh and patted you on the back.

"I'm fine with it. It's the perfect place to... Have some time alone." You smiled at him with clear sadness in your eyes. Breach decided to leave you alone for now since he understood that you needed some time alone for you to think about this.

"I forgot how to find the circumference of a circle..."

You sat on the plain bed dumbfounded. Why were you thinking about mathematics right now when you had other important things to think about... But seriously though, how do you find the circumference of a circle? You just decided to look that up later.

The room was not too small and not too big for you. It was just the right space for you to relax and think about things. "I remember the doctors in the lab talking about powers... Is this what they were referring to?" You whispered to yourself as half of the bed started freezing.

This happened a lot of times now. Even with the room you were staying in back in the laboratory. You couldn't seem to control freezing other things. You were lucky earlier that you didn't accidentally freeze anything.

You stood up from the bed and decided to take a bath. There were spare clothes in the closet so you prepared a set for you to wear. Thank god there was a bathroom inside the room. You didn't have to go outside wearing this shabby hospital clothes anymore.

After taking a bath, you wore the clothes that were prepared by yourself. A somewhat big white t-shirt and black leggings. The shirt was too big for your body so you thought it must be from a guy in the headquarters.

Then, a sudden knock was heard from the door.

"Yes?" Your voice trembled as you replied to the person who was on the other side of the door. "It's dinnertime, (Y/n). Come on and join us." It was your uncle, Breach. You quickly stood up and raced to the door. Opening it with a small smile, you met with a newly-bathed Breach. It seems that he had also taken a bath earlier too since his hair was still wet.

"Alright, uncle." You happily walked down the halls of the unfamiliar HQ with Breach. When you arrived at the dining room, there a few new faces to you. You have come into a conclusion that these were some of the other agents that your uncle mentioned.

Feeling a bit shy to join them since their eyes were all literally focused on you, you looked down on your feet. The doctors back in the lab told you not to show any weaknesses but you couldn't help but feel weak under their gazes. "Don't be shy, now. Would you guys quit staring at my niece?" Breach softly grabbed your shoulders from behind and slowly led you to your seat.

Jett, Phoenix, Yoru, Breach. They were the only people you know in this room. The other three were complete strangers to you. You sat down beside Breach and stared at the dishes in front of you.

Oh wow. Those look delicious... You tried to stay cool.

"Go on, help yourself. I know that you're hungry..."

Dinner went quite well. Now, the group was now in the living room talking about this and that. You ended up eating almost all the food that Breach gave to you. It's been a while since you last had a delicious meal after all.

"Oh right! I forgot to introduce myself. The name is Cypher. 28 years old." The man who looked like he had blue glowing eyes handed out his hand. Not wanting to be rude, you shook his hand. "(Y/n). 27 years old." You replied back with an excited smile.

So this one is Cypher. He looks pretty cool with that mask. You silently hoped that you could befriend this cool-looking guy.

You could hear someone spitting out their drink and coughing uncontrollably. "AYE, YOU'RE OLDER THAN ME?!" Phoenix tried his best to calm his coughing but is unsuccessful. Jett was behind him, mouth wide open. She wasn't expecting such a young looking girl be older than her. Guess you could say that she's into older girls now. Wink wink.

"But you're so short!" He finally calmed down. Now this was the part you could finally talk. "Sorry...?" Not knowing what to say, you lifted an eyebrow and gave Phoenix a confused look leaving him dumbfounded and the rest of the crew laughing. Phoenix then started to scream profanities which made the group die from laughter.

It was so happy. You were glad that these people had accepted you here. They said it was more than alright to call them family.

You were glad.

You hoped that this happiness wouldn't end.


"(Y/n) Torsten... (L/n)? I thought she died years ago?"


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