ーfifty two : just when things were calming down...

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"Hey Neon!" Jett called the new agent over to the table, inviting her to eat with the group. Of course, you didn't mind. You wanted to learn more about Neon actually. Her odd hair colours made you very curious about the girl. "Oh hello! You must be Jett, right? Nice to meet you!" Neon shook Jett's hand and sat beside her.

The other two had already introduced themselves to Neon, leaving only you unknown. "Oh uhm. Hello Neon, it's nice to meet you... I'm (Y/n)." You awkwardly shook her hand and smiled. You were definitely the type to avoid people but at the same time, wants to make friends. Neon happily introduced herself again to you and went back on with chatting with the others.

It was the five of you in the table. Neon, Jett, Phoenix, Yoru and you. Everyone had a fun time getting to know each other while you sat on your seat, admiring the four of them communicating so well. You were starting to feel left out... But Neon immediately noticed this and pulled you into the conversation.

"So, (Y/n)! I heard you have cool ice powers like Sage?" Her sudden question startled you a bit. "Huh? Oh, yes. But my type of ice is different from hers though..." You scratched the back of your head. "(Y/n) is amazing!" Phoenix started. The guy had so much to say about you but never had the chance to because you were always... Well, you could say out of reach since were always gone. Either kidnapped, lost, or isolating yourself from everyone.

"Did you know that she can a bullet shoot with ice?! Cool right? Man, I wish I could do that with my bullets too... It would be nice if I could shoot bullets with fire. Kaboomーkrrrshhh!" Phoenix mimicked like he was shooting a pistol. He really was the ball of sunshine in the group. You laughed and finally felt included in the circle. It's been a while since you last felt so happy and relieved, not worrying about anything at all.

The chat went on for hours. It was mostly Neon and Phoenix singing to the music that was being played in the speaker. Yoru was pretty amazed by Neon's ridiculously amazing talent in singing. Neon laughed it off and said that because she was born Filipino, she was good at singing.

"Wow, if I was born Filipino, then would I also become good at singing?" Jett joked. You argued that she was already good at singing. You prefer Jett being who she is, and you don't ever want her to change herself just because of something so silly like that.

Everyone enjoyed the night like there was no tomorrow. In the end, half of the group went to bed drunk. Who got drunk? Of course, it would be Phoenix, and Jett. Neon had pretty average alcohol tolerance and she didn't drink that much so she was still sober. Yoru on the other hand, refused to drink after his first sip because he said that the drink tastes like shit. And lastly, you couldn't drink at all since Sage banned you from drinking alcohol until you've fully recovered.

You sat inside your room, feeling tired from all that's happened. Tracing back to what happened today, you suddenly remembered what happened earlier. You wondered. The voice I heard earlier... It was my voice. But at the same time, it didn't feel like mine at all. Then, your head started throbbing in pain. Memories of your previous life suddenly filled your brain's vision. There were so many voices speaking at the same time, you didn't know what to do. Ever since you've found out that you were from another world, you've started getting headaches like this often.  (Refer to Chapter 45 if you don't recall Y/n's remembering of her past life.)

If it's not mine, then there's only one person that could own that voice... The previous (Y/n) that resided in this body. The original (Y/n). The one who suffered years in the laboratory because of her parents.

You froze in place. 'I am you and you are me.' You thought that the original owner of this body had died already but were you wrong? Conflicted by your own thoughts, you decided to go and check on Siegfried. Unfortunately, the man was asleep and still recovering so you decided to go back to your room.

You opened the laptop that your Uncle Breach gave you in case you needed to send an email or got bored. Surprisingly, there was an email notification. You w9ndered who it was from since it didn't have a title. Opening the email with curiosity, you were met with horrifying contents.

I know who you are. You are not her. You pretend to be her to gain attention. You are scared that they will leave you.

That was it. That was the message. Sent by an unknown sender. Shivers went down your spine as you read the message again. Who is this...? And why do they know about this...You bit the inside of your cheek and inhaled a sharp breath. There was an attachment sent with the message. You hesitated for a second before opening it.

You weren't expecting what was inside the file at all.

A photo of two teenagers. Not just any teenagers. In fact, you recognized the two. You caressed your screen with your fingers, eyebrows forming an arc as you looked at the photo. The room's heater was on, yet you were shivering. You were the only one who knew about your situation so how did this sender find out?

I shouldn't be scared. The previous owner of this body was (Y/n) and I'm (Y/n) too. So technically I am her. Why would I worry about them abandoning me, when they would never dare do that in the first place...


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