ーthirty four : for no reason

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Your morning was definitely not a good one. You woke up to the sound of someone loudly knocking on your door and screaming your name saying that it's time for breakfast. Knocking? More like slamming their fist on the door. 

Who in their right mind would wake up somebody at 6 AM to eat breakfast? You usually ate breakfast at 8 or 9 so this was too early for you. Instead of getting up and opening the door, you continued to sleep.


How many times did I yell her name now? Twenty...six? Why won't she wake up? And why the heck did Air... Aymir... Cypher... Or whatever she calls him, told me to wake her up?!

"(Y/n)! Get up, you dumbass!" I sighed in defeat when still no one answered. Maybe she's just too tired from last night. Yeah, that should be it. Without hesitation, I turned my back from the door to walk away.

And almost as if it was destined, the door opened with a tired sigh from the girl inside the room. "You look good." I teased her. She still has bed hair so she must've just woken up. "I know... You knocked (favourite two digit number) times. I like that number, that's why I opened the door." She yawned.

"You seriously counted all my knocks?" I furrowed my eyebrows and chuckled. She replied with a sarcastic no and shut the door on me to get ready.

2nd Person

Yawning in front of the mirror, you freshened yourself up and fixed you bed hair that was all over you face. You thought back about what happened las night and realized that you forgot to say goodnight to Aamir.

You hurriedly grabbed your phone inside your drawer and texted him.

Aamir 👽

Aamir u there?

sorry i forgot to say
goodnight to you last night

i was too tired

It's alright (Y/n), I understand

You should hurry up now, everyone's
eating breakfast now.

Oh, and by the way.

Good morning, I hope you slept well.

After replying to his messages you wore your outfit for the day and finally went out of your room. Yoru greeted you with a salty 'hurry up' and then grabbed your arm to leap to his dimension and run to the dining room.

His space was special and only he could get in. However, when he was playing around with his ability, he discovered that he could take you inside dimension, and only you.

This meant something special for him and you because this was the reason why he opened up to you a bit more. You were special to him, but of course you didn't know that. He usually acts so salty towards you and rarely shows affection.

As if time skipped, the two of you were now magically in front of the dining room. Jett waved at you while Phoenix was focusing on his food. The poor boy was so hungry that he didn't even notice his best friend.

"Geez, Phoenix. How much can you fit in that stomach of yours." Jett giggled. "Probably more than what Breach eats." Yoru rolled his eyes and let go of your arm which he had been subconsciously still holding.

You greeted your best friends and then sat beside Cypher who was sitting across Jett and the others. "Hey, Aamir." You grinned at the man beside you. He wasn't wearing his usual mask today so you felt weird talking to him.

You've seen him without the mask before but only in private or in places where not so many people are present. But this? It's different. His tanned skin perfectly matched his brown hair and dark eyes. His scars on his face makes him more intimidating.

Just admit it, (Y/n). You think he's handsome. Your thoughts wandered around while you stared at Cypher who was also staring at you. You snapped from your silly daydream and realize that you've been staring. Embarrassed, you awkwardly put food on your plate and eat quietly.

You heard Cypher chuckle.

"You're so cute." He mumbled, quiet enough for only you and him to hear. Your face turned even redder. You wanted to disappear and turn into gas right now because of embarrassment.

"I heard you were the one who told Yoru to wake me up. Why?" All the giggles from Cypher finally toned down. He looks at you and smiles awkwardly.

"No reason." And then he shrugs.


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