ーforty six : unreachable

892 38 9

Morocco Headquarters (BIND)

Everything is slowly going back to how it used to be; silent and cold. A white-haired agent stood firmly on her balcony's floor, watching the sandy area with her sharp eyes. Her gaze was sad and lonely. A feeling of longing lingered her heart. The feeling of wanting to see someone.

"She used to stay by my side, always." She gripped the railings while memories of you and her flash through her mind.


"Sunwoo, are you free tonight? Wanna go to the city and buy some things?" (Y/n) took a peek inside her best friend's room. Luckily, the said best friend was there, but asleep. "Oh..." Since she was also tired from all the running around and doing errands for Brimstone, (Y/n) took this opportunity to nap beside Sunwoo.

(Y/n) admired her best friend's snow-white hair and her flawless features. Her face reddened at the thought of Sunwoo pinning her down and doing... Things to her. She quickly shook her head out of embarrassment to get the inappropriate thoughts out of her head. (Y/n) gently lied down next to Sunwoo and embraced the white-haired agent and slowly fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Sunwoo's heart was beating like crazy. She was awake the whole time but she didn't want to open her eyes yet so she stayed silent. She could feel (Y/n)'s gaze towards her and she tensed so quickly when the girl embraced her. But she wasn't complaining though, she liked this and she wished that it would last forever.


"I remember... She was so frail back then..." Tears threatened to fall from her eyes. "She's all grown up now... Ha, what am I talking about. She was already older than me in the first place anyway." All this time, she had been watching you grow into a stronger person. While you grew stronger, you slowly forgot about your the people who were surrounding you. You were too focused with your goal to find out about who you truly were.

"I get it... Working hard for your dreams is good, but... She hasn't been talking to any of us anymore." She wiped the tears from her eyes and straightened herself up. An idea popped up inside her head and all the negativity was wiped out. Her face brightened as she ran outside her room towards the living room. 

"Guys, hear me out!"

Meanwhile in Russia (Icebox)...

"(Y/n), you should take a break..." Sage sighed in worry as she watched her junior train herself to death. "Really, what's wrong with her? She's been really sulky lately." Raze whispered at the sentinel beside her and crossed her arms. The poor duelist hasn't been able to spend time with her friend because the said friend is currently... Improving her skills.

"I don't need a break." (Y/n) coldly replied and continued to lift the weights her strength could handle. She woke up so early today and went on a jog out there in the freezing weather. Of course Sage and the others would be worried about her. After all, this is the first time (Y/n) had ever been cold to them. It was as if she was mad about something. 

After a few more lifts, (Y/n) freshened herself up and wore her thick jacket. "I'm going out for a quick run." 


I need to get stronger. I didn't even realize that tears were already falling from my eyes while I ran through the snowy ground. I stopped running. My legs were frozen, not from the cold but from fear. Fear of getting left behind. Fear of being abandoned. Other (Y/n) this,  Other (Y/n) that! Bullshit! I'm going to prove them that I'm the better one. If I don't... Then maybe even the Protocol won't love me anymore.

The cold air I felt like needles had pierced through my lungs. It was painful, but it didn't matter. I thought I already grew stronger back in our last mission. Brimstone praised me and congratulated me. I thought those were enough. I thought I would be satisfied. But after what my uncle told me, I couldn't just sit still... Me? Getting compared to another me? How ridiculous... Childish... 

I'm being childish.

2 Weeks Prior

"Hey, Uncle. Do you remember Vincent?" You sat beside your uncle, who was fixing something that Raze broke. "Vincent? Chamber? What about him?—Wait, please tell me you're not in love with him?!" Breach stopped what he was doing and focused on you. Surprised by his sudden outburst, you calmed him down. "No, it's not that. I mean the Vincent from back then in elementary?"

"Huh, what do you mean? Did you forget? You were homeschooled until you turned 10. The only Vincent I know is that annoying French guy. Ugh, always talking about how sexy his guns are..."

"Oh..." You stood up from your seat. "I must've messed up my memories... Ahahaha, thank you, Uncle. I'll get going now, see you!" You excused yourself from his office and bit your lip as you walked down the hallway of the headquarter. He doesn't know Vincent... 

Then am I really not from this Earth? What about the memories I have of the previous (Y/n) that lived in this body? Why do I remember her memories? Why can't I remember my memories?


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