ーnine : gossip

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"So how did the gun training go, (Y/n)?" Raze sat beside you in her pyjamas. The two of you sleep together in the same bed since you really loved the aura she had. It was calming but fun at the same time. Raze is probably one of your favourite agents in the HQ; along with Cypher and Sage.

"Ah, the training did well. But after that, me and Phoenix messed with Yoru so he insulted us. Yoru almost grew a tail and horns!" You laughed and wheezed at the picture in your head of Yoru growing devil horns. It was too funny, you couldn't help but tear up at the thought. Raze also joined in laughing which made it even funnier.

It was in the middle of the night but you two were still awake and energetic. The both of you covered your mouths and prevented yourselves from laughing more. You didn't want to wake Breach and the other agents.

Raze suggested that the both of you should go to the kitchen and steal some food; and then have a midnight date on the living room. You immediately agreed. And so the both of you went to the kitchen in your pyjamas and hogged the life out of the refrigerator.

You got some (favourite snack) and (favourite drink) while Raze got some chips and a medium bottle of cola. Uh-oh, Breach was really gonna be mad but none of you cared since all you wanted to do was have fun.

The both of you silently raced to the living room. Spending the night together on the couch while talking about girl stuffs, you felt that you and Raze had become closer. You liked that.

"So, (Y/n)... Do you like anyone in this HQ?" Raze questioned. Is there another headquarters? You thought. That was another question for later. You put a hand on your chin and thought about who you like.

"You like Cypher, don't you?" Raze teased. You felt blood immediately rising up to your cheeks. Your face lighting up with a dark shade of red. It was there, but not that visible.

"I- Well! I find him handsome but I don't know if I like him romantically... Yoru and Phoenix are also cool..." You mumbled the last sentence. Raze gasped and jumped at you. "YOU SHOULD FORM A HAREM!" She whisper-yelled. Thank god she wasn't being loud but WHAT. 

"A harem? Raze are you serious?!" You cackled while being straddled by her. She was now on top of you, staring at you with sparkling dark eyes. "Wait, are you serious...?" Your laughter stopped.

Raze WANTS you to form a HAREM.

HECK NO? THAT'S SO EMBARRASSING- You mentally screamed in terror. There was no way in hell you were gonna form a harem. "Raze, as much as I like to see... Hot women and men every day, I definitely don't want a harem." 

Suddenly, you heard a plastic cup drop. You turned your head to the source of sound and saw Phoenix with mouth wide open. Since Raze was pinning you down, you couldn't move properly. "Phoenix, it's not what you thi-" You were cut off by Phoenix turning around robotically and saying: "Haha, I didn't see anything. Goodbye."

"Phoenix!" You whisper-yelled and pushed Raze off of you (not harshly of course). You ran up to him and grabbed his arm. "It was not what it looked like, I swear." You literally begged him to stay quiet about it.

And now, after begging Phoenix to shut up about what he saw, he's now sitting with you and Raze on the couch. The three of you end up talking about who's the scariest agent in the headquarters.

"I think it's Yoru." Phoenix scoffed.

"No, I think it's Viper..." Raze mumbled. "(Y/n), have you met Viper already?" Raze questioned and you nodded no. "Good! You would never wanna meet a cold and snobby snake lady like her." Raze pouted. It seems that Viper and Raze aren't on good term. Actually, most agents you knew weren't with good terms with Raze.

"Oh yeah, right. Viper. Ugh, she's absolutely terrifying!"  Phoenix exclaimed and exaggerated his words. Man, this Viper person might actually be the devil herself. You shivered and hoped that you would be able to get some sleep tonight.

So the three of you ended up sleeping on the couch after eating and talking about random things. (Like how Breach takes a bath with those arms and how Omen eats.)

Extra :

It's 4 in the morning. Sage walks out of her room and into the living room. There, she was greeted by the sight of (Y/n) sleeping on top of Phoenix and Raze on the floor with her blanket. Sage smiled at this and sighed. She got (Y/n) and Phoenix a blanket and fixed Raze to let her sleep comfortably.

These agents were older than her but their minds were like of a child. Since she was the mum of the protocol, she had to take care of them. She didn't mind at all. She was just like this years ago.

After what happened with Sabine and Omen, she had to change herself.

She had to be mature.

For herself, and for the Valorant protocol, her only family left.


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