ーthirteen : not yet

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When you woke up from your sleep, the trip was already over. Brimstone was being the patient guy he is, waited for you to wake up. He didn't wake you up since you were sleeping so soundly. Plus, he still didn't wanna go outside yet since it was freezing.

"Oh, did I fall asleep that long?" You fixed your hair and put on your favourite sweater that Phoenix gave you for your 3rd month in the protocol. It was really fluffy. "No, I've only been waiting for 19 minutes. Come on, let's get you settled in the headquarters." Brimstone took your luggage and you took the small bag you had in the storage area.

"God, I'll never get used to this freezing temperature." Brimstone shivered as cold air passed through. You were starting to get cold too but luckily, the headquarters had some really nice heaters. (Note: Since her Radiant abilities are still unstable, her resistance to the cold is only sometimes.)

You were welcomed by only Sova, who was just done with his archery practice. "Pleased to meet you again personally, (Y/n). I hope we get along." Sova gave you a smile and then walked away to take a nice hot shower.

"I'll take your luggage to your room, feel free to explore the HQ. Just don't go too far or you'll end up getting lost." Brimstone happily offered. You nodded and thanked him before exploring the place.

On the tour, you met Skye. The both of you chatted for a bit until Skye was summoned by Viper to do something. Viper greeted you with a simple hello and went back to work. The people here were busy but you didn't mind. You liked quiet places.

After your exploration, you went back to your room and unpacked your things. While unpacking, you received a text from Yoru and Phoenix saying hello. You greeted them back and told them that you're doing good.

You were informed that the cold temperature here in Russia might help you and your abilities so Breach sent you here. There wasn't anything you can do about it since you also wanted to get stronger.

The next day, you woke up earlier than usual and ended up exercising with Sova in the HQ gym. He taught you about how you should stay focused whenever there are many enemies.

"Remember, (Y/n). You must think smart when you're outnumbered. You can't just shoot your gun, you have to think." Sova gave advices. Seems like the guy had many different experiences in life so it was best to follow and remember them.

At the moment, you and Sova are in the range practicing how to wield rifles. At first, you couldn't get the hang of it because of the recoil but slowly, you managed to control it. It needed a lot of concentration and strength but you managed to do it. You wondered why Brimstone still hasn't given you any missions.

You were skilled enough to fight in battles and your abilities were already trained. So what was the holdup? You asked Sova why. "It's... Probably because it's too dangerous for you still." Sova replied. "I don't get it... Why is it too dangerous for me? I mean, I just have to prevent the bomb from exploding right?"

"It's not that easy. There will be a time where you'll face many enemies. And there will also be a time where you'll have to kill someone. And Brimstone probably doesn't want you to experience that yet. And yes, I do agree with him not sending you on missions yet. You are still not ready, (Y/n)." Sova smiled at you before standing up from his seat and getting a bottled water from the vending machine nearby.

"It's best if you train more than hurrying to take a mission. Sometimes, patience is all you need."

You sat there thinking about it. Maybe it was really best for you to not go on missions yet. For some reason, Sova's words made your stomach churn and send chills down your spine. Kill people? That's horrible.

"...Thanks for the advice, Sova. I have to go now. I have a trinket-making session with Skye today."


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