ーeighteen : your reality

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Where the fuck is my phone?! You mentally screamed as you searched around your whole bedroom. Sure it was just here right? A week has passed and you just realized that you didn't have your phone with you. Since you couldn't find it anywhere, you concluded that they confiscated your phone. 

"Seriously... I can't even contact those from outside? I wonder how they're all doing now..." You sighed and plopped down on your bed.

3rd Person

"We still haven't found her." Viper reported to Brimstone. The old man had his eyebrows furrowed and his blood was boiling. "Breach is really gonna go nuts if he hears that his niece got taken away by Kingdom." Brimstone facepalmed. He was so stressed.

"Wait, so you're telling me that the other agents don't know about her disappearance?" Viper drank her cup of coffee. "Yeah. Only the agents present in Russia knows at the moment."  Brimstone replied. "But why didn't you tell them? Maybe he could help us track her." The raven-haired woman suggested.

"Yes, but he'll probably... Hmm... Actually, I think you're right. I'll contact him right away..." Brimstone left to phone someone. "Oh my god, that old man..." Viper face palmed.


I just got a call from Brimstone that (Y/n) went missing a week ago and my heart almost stopped when I heard that they still haven't found her. What were they doing?! Is this why she still hasn't replied to my text yet? I knew this was all weird... Kingdom...

"Come on. We have a missing person to find." I signalled the squad to get in the jet for the flight to Russia. "Man, I can't believe they just took (Y/n) away from us just like that! Kingdom, seriously..." Phoenix rubbed his temples and sat beside Yoru, who was silent the whole time.

He must also be pretty shocked that they just told us that she went missing. Jett was also taken aback to the point where she just turned into a silent sobbing mess.  It was a sight. Jett never cries.

Breach had the most serious reaction. He actually passed out after finding out about (Y/n). He's still recovering with Sage in the emergency room.

I furrowed my brows and started the engine. Since. Breach isn't present, I was the one in charge to pilot. Ugh, why did it have to be with these bunch of idiots.

Jett, Phoenix and Yoru were the ones I was told to bring along. Damn that Sabine, ordering me around like she's my boss.

"Buckle up, idiots."

2nd Person

"Everything is so confusing." You hugged the pillow tight and thought about how everything was just so tiring now. Yeah, you're happy that you were saved from that laboratory but you getting kidnapped again?

Man, you just wanted to live a normal life when you were a teen. Why is everything going so wrong?

"You're probably thinking, 'why is this happening to me?'" A voice stated. You shot up from your bed and saw no one. You groaned and scratched. your head. Were you really going insane now? Did they secretly feed you some drugs or something?

"Go back to your home, (Y/n). You'll find the answers you need there."

"Who are you? Show yourself." You stood up from your bed and entered a fighting stance.

"I mean no harm and who I am doesn't matter. Follow where your heart leads you, (Y/n). You are special and gifted. This is your your second chance in life."

"My reality?"

"(Y/N), HURRY, WE'RE UNDER ATTACK. COME HERE!" The alarms rang loudly while you stood there, daydreaming. Cypher pulled you close to him and took you somewhere safe.


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