ーten : return

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(Y/n) wakes up only to find herself alone on the couch she was sleeping on. Where did everyone go? (Y/n) looked around the area yet found no one. She went to the kitchen and found a plate with (favourite dish for breakfast) and a note beside it. I can cook for myself you know...

Hi (Y/n)! Me and the other agents are gonna gather today near Cypher's home. It's not that far from here! Don't worry we'll come pick you up at 2 pm sharp!!! Make sure to dress like ure going to a partyyy!!!!

Love, Raze. <3

(ps: breach forced me to write this)

(Y/n) chuckled at the letter. So they were going to come back for her at 2 PM? She didn't know what was gonna happen but she decided to prepare herself anyway.

After eating the food prepared for her, she freshened herself up and put on some nice warm clothes. There was still some time before they pick her up so she decided to mess around with the gadgets in the HQ.

One thing she found was an old phone from the XX's. She was shocked that this things was still alive. She turned it on and surprisingly, there was no password so she decided to browse the phone.

She found interesting apps and games that she never knew existed. She also listened to the songs on the phone. And after that, she finally found her music taste. There was a lot of (favourite artist) songs. One that really caught (Y/n)'s interest were ABBA's songs. Their songs were amazing.

Now, back with the 2 PM schedule.

It was now 1:34 PM. (Y/n) had to change into her clothes now, but she was too busy browsing the old phone that she forgot to prepare her own clothes.

(Y/n) facepalmed."Ugh, picking clothes by myself is always not my type." She took out a white long-sleeved button-up top and black (pants/skirt). Followed by a(n) (favourite colour) tie as an accessory. Raze said to dress up for a party but (Y/n) preferred simple and neat. 

 "Okay, I'm ready to go." She put her phone, wallet, and other stuff in her sling bag and wore her shoes/sandals/heels. (Y/n) stops at the doorway when she realizes she was going to be picked up. 

(Note that the Headquarters (Y/n) is staying in is near Bind so the place is a bit sandy.)

(Y/n) sat on the bench just right outside the headquarters and waited. Since her leg injury still wasn't fully healed by Sage, she had to walk carefully or else the wound might open again.

The sound of a helicopter suddenly closes in. Very loudly. She covers her ears in annoyance. "What the hell?" The helicopter flies down into the open space, causing sand to fly her way. (Y/n) shielded herself from the gust of wind and sand with her arms.

"(Y/N)!!!!! GET IN THE HELIIIII!" Raze yelled from inside the aircraft.

(Y/n) stood there dumbfounded for a second before slowly walking towards the helicopter. "What the hell guys, I thought you were gonna pick me up using a car... Not a helicopter!" (Y/n) cackled. Raze explained why they didn't use a car.

"-So yeah! We can't use a car because we might get attacked on the way." Raze ended her explanation with a little dance on her seat. "Raze, quit moving around..." Brimstone, who was piloting the helicopter, complained. Raze only replied with a loud giggle.

"What are we even gonna do...?" (Y/n) questioned. "That's a secret!" Raze shot you a grin. It was either a horrible thing to be afraid of or a nice thing that (Y/n) would be proud of.


I sat on the seat beside Raze, watching the scenery below us. Where was this again? Ah, right. Rabat, Morocco. Cypher's hometown. I frowned at the sight of the abandoned town. I remember my teacher teaching us about Morocco once and this place was much more beautiful back then.

I smiled sadly knowing that this was no longer the place I expected. Time flies really fast.

Suddenly, I couldn't see. My surrounding went completely dark. What's happening? I touched my face and felt a cloth wrapped around my head which also covered my eyes.

"Raze, I swear if this is one of your pranks agai,-" "(Y/n), chiiiilll! You gotta chill bestie! Don't worry!" Raze went quiet after that and did not answer any of my questions anymore.

When the helicopter landed, I felt myself getting dragged to whoever knows where. What in the world was happening? I don't know. Was I feeling safe? Nope, not at all. When with Raze, nothing is safe at all.

Finally, what felt hours of walking, Raze stopped. However, the place I was in right now didn't seem right at all. Since I couldn't see, I used my hearing. Minutes ago, there were sounds of dirt and sand, but now? Now there's just silence. And the surrounding also got darker.

Where am I?

Please don't return me to the lab.


Please don't leave me.


The blindfold was taken off.


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