ーthirty seven : weird

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trigger warning ; mention of menstruation and a lot of blood
idk why i put tw here i felt like i just needed to bcaus some ppl doesn't like to hear abt menstruation jjjjj


You were so stressed. Blood everywhere. On your bed, on your pyjamas. God, you wanted to ascend right now. You wanted to cry buckets and just dissolve.

It's now morning and you were stressed at the fact that you got your period while you were sleeping. Sighing, you removed your stained bedsheet and threw it in your dirty clothes basket and making a mental note to dip it in water later. You grabbed everything you needed and rushed to the toilet inside your room.

Thank god there's a toilet here. I don't want to walk around this place wearing a towel wrapped around my hips. You thought while you cleaned your dirty clothing and hung them inside where nobody could see.


Finally getting out of your suffocating room, you slammed the door behind. You were so pissed off today but it's probably just the period effects kicking in.  (I mean, who wouldn't be pissed when you're literally a walking faucet that leaks blood every fucking minute 💀.)

"I hate it here." You were mad because today was the day everyone was going to be chilling on the shore. Playing and making sand castles... Swimming in the sea... You were going to miss all of that just because of your period! Oh, you were so furious that you didn't talk to anyone the whole morning.


"Hey, do you know what's wrong with her?" Phoenix signaled at (Y)n) who looked really mad. "Uh, no?" What's wrong with her today? Normally, she greets us and eats with us during breakfast...

"She didn't eat with us today!" Phoenix whisper-yelled at me. "I know, pretty boy! Just... Shut up for a moment... Please." Phoenix seemed to have calmed down after I scolded him. I looked away for just a second but (Y/n) was already gone from her spot.

Huh? When did she get so fast?

2nd Person

You walked on the shore with with your favourite scarf wrapped around your neck. You remembered the events last night and thought about it. For some reason, you wanted to meet this Chamber guy they were talking about.

You didn't notice the path in front of you and bumped into something... Someone. "(Curse word in your native language), sorry!" You panicked and tried to help yourself up the sandy ground. The person who you bumped into helped you get up as they reached you a hand.

"Thank you so much... And I'm uhー" You looked up to see an unfamiliar face. A man who looked like he was in his 30's. His perfume was the first thing you noticed. It was similar to Yoru and Cypher's but this one was smelled elegant.

Wait why do I always smell their colognes...?

"Chamber." He smiled at you. You frowned and took a step back to process what he just said. Flustered by realization, you apologized to him many times for recklessly bumping into him. It was nothing for him actually.

"Really, I'm so sorry..." You said sorry one last time. He forgives you for the ???th time and started up a casual conversation. He asks you how life has been in the protocol. Of course, you replied with a positive comment. You've been having so much fun in life ever since you were taken in by the protocol. You met new people who became your best friends and also people who supported and guided you. You were thankful.

After a small talk, Chamber asked if you had seen a girl with pink hair anywhere. "Ah... Well, yes. I saw her outside my window yesterday..." You awkwardly told him about how you saw the pink haired child staring at you. So it wasn't just a hallucination...

"I am truly... Sorry for that. That was my... Um, niece." He chuckled and fixed his tie. "Oh, it seems that Brimstone has summoned me. I will have to go now. It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss (Y/n)." He disappeared with a wink and left you standing there.

What a weird guy.


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