ーfour : shoot a gun (went wrong)

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Four Months.

You've been with them for four months and things are going very well. Half of the things in your mini to-do list are already checked out. You had befriended Cypher and will befriend even more people in the future. You could say you and Cypher are best friends now. 

You and Raze surprisingly got along well when talking about video games. Yoru's just being himself, the prickly cactus of the group. Very grumpy. Phoenix sometimes asks you to help him out with some tasks. Jett often helps you study History and Physical Education. 

Sage and Breach are just being the best motherly and fatherly figure to you. Even though she's only a year older than you, she acts so mature and loving. It was nice to have someone act as a mother to you so you didn't mind at all.

You had told them about your abilities when you stayed in the headquarters for 3 months. You felt that you could trust them now that they opened up to you and vice versa. Everyone seemed amazed by how good you could control your abilities even though you only had control of it 3 months earlier.

Today's the 25th of May. Today wasn't like any other day for you. Breach woke you up as usual but his face was more serious than Cypher's face when angry. You wonder what was up and it turns out, you had to go practice how to shoot a gun. You almost forgot that Breach told you that you'll be starting how to use a gun last week.

At first, you were like: "A gun?! Seriously? You're asking me to learn how to shoot a gun when that's literally illegal in the first place?" but then Breach told you that using a gun when you're a licensed Radiant isn't illegal at all.

Were you even a licensed one? Nope. Do Radiants even need license? Don't know, don't care.

So you had to sign up for an identification form for Radiants with Breach accompanying you as your guardian. The experience was hectic. You were asked all sorts of things in the form you didn't even know the answer to. Thank goodness your loving uncle was with you.

You had to wait a few days for confirmation, and that's how you became a licensed Radiant.

Going back to the present, you let out a loud yawn and stretched your back. A small crack was heard and you winced. You did your daily routine; take a bath, dress up, eat breakfast, brush your teeth, fix your hair and freshen yourself up again.

Breach said that he won't be able to accompany you today so he asked Yoru to come with you to the shooting range since he was one of the agents who specialized in using guns. Yoru obviously did not want to go but Breach said he would punch him if he didn't. Yikes, getting punched by those steel arms is not what Yoru wanted so he angrily obliged.

The range was quite the awkward place to have a staring contest with Yoru. You just stood there like an idiot waiting for Yoru to say something. After a few more seconds of awkward silence, he let out a sigh of defeat. "Ugh! Why did I agree to this... Come on follow me." He grabbed your hand and dragged you to an armoury.

"We'll start off with a pistol since it's the most basic one we have." He threw a pistol at you which you hesitantly caught. Was it really okay for you to hold this? All you knew about guns were you pull the trigger and bam, it shoots. You've played shooting games before but this was a whole new experience for you.

It was quite heavy but not that heavy. Just... Alright.

"Now, try shooting that target." He pointed at a target that had a robot beside it. Was it really alright for you to use this real gun? You hesitantly posed like the people you see in movies. It was scary to pull the trigger but you had to do it. If you don't, Yoru will scold you.

"Yoru I-" You were about to say something when you were interrupted by a loud explosion coming from the back of the shooting range. Yoru muttered a curse and grabbed your arm. There was smoke and dust everywhere. What in the world was happening? You had no idea. Everything was happening too fast for you to understand. 

"Nobody told me those shitheads would be attacking today too. くそ." Dragging you by your dominant arm, Yoru took out his somewhat futuristic-looking phone and dialed somebody's number. "You better fucking come here fast or I'll kick you in the balls!" He practically growled at the phone and abused it.

A loud whine from the other side of the call was heard and Yoru hung up. 

I thought I was supposed to be practising how to shoot a gun today, not practice running! You prayed while trying to match up with Yoru's incredible speed. Is this why they call him the rift walker? More like, rift runner. Was he a track runner before? 

The both of you arrived at a dusty place. You clearly don't know where you were right now so you just decided to shut up and let Yoru take the lead. However, Yoru only gave you a single pistol and said to wait there. "If anybody that looks like one of the crew approaches you and attacks you, shoot them. I've got no time. Stay here, alright?" And with that, he just left you there, standing with a pistol in hand.

"Uh? Yoru, this gun has two bullets left..." You sighed in defeat as your legs collapsed on the sandy ground from exhaustion. Your legs were aching and it was torture to you. You haven't had that much action for a while now. You took a deep breath and rested your head against the wall for a second.


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