ーforty five: which earth do you belong?

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"Hey, (Y/n), over here!" A voice called out to me which I immediately recognized. I turned my head towards the voice and waved. "It's been a while, Vincent!" I ran over to my friend and greeted him. Today's a special day for both of us! That's right, it's our first day in 9th grade! Well, actually it's just mine. Vincent couldn't move up to the 10th grade because he didn't take his studies seriously and failed the exams. I'll be sure to convince him to be serious this year though. Thank god the principal allowed him to repeat the grade and not drive him out of the school. I know that he's a smart guy, he just doesn't take things seriously. 

Vincent and I have been together for as long as I remember. Even though he was a year older than me, we treat each other like siblings. Well no siblings, more like the best of friends. Now we're here together in an international school that my his mother recommended. And for as long as I can remember, we were inseparable. Really. He was my shoulder to lean on whenever I had breakdowns. I was his friend that was there for him always. 

"I can't believe we're still in the same class!" Vincent grabbed me by my arm and dragged me towards our classroom. I was nervous earlier, but now that Vincent is here, I feel like I can do anything. "Slow down, Vince... You're running too fast! We still have an hour before class actually starts." I panted as I struggled to keep up with his phase. Vincent finally slowed down when we could see our classroom's door. 

"Whew, that was hell of a run." He wiped off his sweat with his shirt. "How improper. Here, use this." I gave him one of my extra handkerchiefs so that he could properly wipe his sweat off. I can't have his uniform dirty because of him being an idiot. 

Once we entered the classroom, a few familiar faces were inside. I waved at them and checked where my seat was assigned... Perfect, it's beside Yin! I hurried beside the girl who had her hair up in a high ponytail and greeted her. "Hello, (Y/n)." She greeted back. "We're classmates again, I see." She smiled at me which made blood rush up to my cheeks quickly. "Y-yeah. Ahaha, I'm happy!" I awkwardly sat on the seat beside hers and settled myself. Vincent was seated at the back with Ryo. I guess that's alright for him since they already know each other...

"Settle down, everyone." A voice suddenly spoke. I turned my head to the front and saw a man wearing the teacher's uniform. When did he even get in?  I didn't hear the door... Anyway, he must be our homeroom teacher... "I am Ruben Pontes, your homeroom for this year." He smiled at us and wrote his name on the blackboard. "There's still time before class starts so do what you want to do at the moment." He exited the room and said that he would back 10 minutes before class. 


I ran through the snowy ground and turned to look at my uncle, who was following me from behind. "Hey, Uncle! Did you know that there are other universes?" I grinned at him. He looked like he didn't believe me... Stupid uncle! "Haha, sweetie. That's just some old fairy tale that people made up. Come on now, let's head back inside. Your mother is waiting for you." He picked me up and let me ride on his back. A piggyback...! Okay, I forgive you, Uncle...


Knock knock.

Two knocks on the door. I wonder who that is. My parents never knock and my friend always knocks five times... I made my way to the front door and looked through the the peephole. No one? Carefully opening the door, I peeked my head outside. Hmm, was it a prank?

As I was about to close the door, a gun was pointed to my head. What? It all happened so fast, I couldn't even get the chance to escape from them. They just appeared out of nowhere and pointed a gun at me. They forced me to come with them and so I did while various thoughts were racing inside my head. I don't want to die. I hope they... Won't kill me off. I want to see my parents and friends again. Am I going to die? Who are these people? 

...My parents. They said they were out for a trip. I hope they're safe.


I woke up with cold sweat running down my back. What the hell was that. That dream felt way too real to be just a dream... I stood up and grabbed my towel to head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I need to see Uncle Breach today. There's something I have to confirm.

If he doesn't remember then... It's confirmed. My consciousness is not from
this earth.


quick explanation that you probably won't understand:

the first three memories are from the other y/ns pov. meaning there are three more y/n that existed. let's say there were four y/ns. one died.

the consciousness of the y/n that died was transferred to the y/n that was dying. (basically replacing someone's soul with another.)

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