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I didn't think I would be so nervous to start classes; out of all my issues, having bad nerves wasn't one of them. I knew that I could handle just about any professor or their workload, I was in all honors classes in my high school and I took a few college level courses there as well. But for some reason my nerves got the best of me and my stomach was a little uneasy as I was about to start my first class.

For a second I started to wonder if my roommate was still sleeping. I tried to wake him up because he told me to the night before. But he swatted my hand away and put his pillow over his head. I wasn't going to risk myself being late to help him, so I just left.

He was completely crazy.

Well that's a bit of a lie.

I'm sure a lot of people don't care about the first day of school. Nothing really happens on the first day. All that's happened to me so far was getting gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe. I would have to throw them out as soon as I got back to the room. I would gag if I tried to wash the gum off, so they were as good as trash.

I had to try hard to not think about it or else I would gag in the middle of class. I'm one of those people that if I have to clean anything gross I'll puke. Or if I hear or see someone or something puke, I'll also puke. I don't know if there's a word for it, but it happens. It has happened, as disgusting as it is. It's just another issue I have on my 'list of issues.'

"So after you get your syllabus you can leave. Don't forget to buy your textbooks and have the first three chapters read by Wednesday."

Three chapters was no big deal. I finished the Harry Potter series in less than a week. And I was a slower reader back then.

I felt my pocket vibrate and smiled to myself. It could only be one out of three important people in my life. My sister, dad, or my best friend Livvie. My mom was a little behind on the times and never learned how to work anything but a nokia so... she doesn't text at all.

Jamison you need to get your butt back here asap! Me and your sister are texting back and forth about how much we miss you. It's only been a few days but it feels like decades. We HAVE to finish watching those old seasons of Dr. Who like we said. I refuse to watch them without you. That is all! Oh wait no it isn't, I hope you're having fun at school and I hope you have a good day and week and please text or call me soon ok! Love you!

I smiled again. Livvie was one of the most amazing girls I knew. One of the only girls to ever talk to me actually.

We became best friends in middle school and ever since then we've been pretty much inseparable. I felt bad for leaving her behind, but she was a grade below me, there wasn't much I could do. I mean I could have stayed local but I didn't. Michigan State gave me the best scholarship so I had to come here. I only hoped that next year she'd be here too.

Calm down! I'm coming home in a few weeks. Or you can totally come visit. I'm sure I can get a guest pass thingy or whatever they have here. It's pretty ok, I'm heading back to my dorm now because I got out of my first class early and my other one doesn't start until after 11. I have so much to tell you, so I'll give you a call a little later or tomorrow or something. Miss you and love you too!

It didn't take that long to walk back to the dormitories. The campus was huge but I learned quickly that you must be a fast walker to make it on time anywhere around here. People just push right past you and don't even apologize.

It was definitely something I'd have to get used to. Back home everyone was really friendly and cool. Around here, not so much.

"Could you have came in any louder Jamie? I was trying to sleep."

My Roommate the Sex God Where stories live. Discover now