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It was an odd scent. Almost blossom like... Who am I kidding, I don't know what a blossom smells like, but it was pretty like a flower. Even though I knew where it was coming from, I couldn't get enough. I wanted to bury my nose in Jamie's hair forever, but I kept my distance... Well tried to at least.

"Keagan, you're uh... Poking me." I opened my eyes for the first time and looked down at the boy in my arms. His face turned bright red as our eyes met, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry." I yawned as I moved my face away, trying to shield him from having to smell my morning breath. "It's your fault though."

"My fault? How?"

"It was your butt that was pressed against my crotch most of the night, and it was you who was the star in my dreams last night."

"I... I, what?"

"You heard me." I yawned again as I stretched out my limbs. "Now, I'm going to go shower and fix my problem since I doubt you'd be willing to just do it for me."

I could feel his eyes burning into my back as I got up and scooted my way out of the bed, so I made sure to put on a little show for him as I stood up.

Though it was pretty concealed, you could still see a decent portion of the semi I was sporting through my jeans. So of course I flashed it off, glancing occasionally over at Jamie to see if he was looking or not.

"Hey, my eyes are up here." I laughed, causing him to jump almost simultaneously. "Quit being such a pervert Jamie, you had your chance." I shot him a wink and grabbed my clothes before sauntering off into our shared bathroom.

My shower was, needless to say, a long lived one; a hot, steamy, long and probably beyond x-rated shower.

I initially planned on going out there in my towel to show off a little more, but then I figured I put Jamison through enough this morning.

So I made myself look relatively well for a Sunday and got dressed in the normal jeans and long sleeved shirt I had brought in with me.

It dawned on me immediately as I reached for the door that Jamie might have a hangover, so sweet ol' me grabbed the ibuprofen before actually exiting the room.

Much to my surprise, Jamie was actually still in my bed, cuddled up to my pillow, with his eyes shut tightly.

"Hey man, you okay?" I whispered as softly as I could before grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"Oh! Shit..." He laughed "I didn't hear the water turn off."

"No worries," I chuckled as I moved him over and plopped down beside him. "Here's some ibuprofen if you have a hangover."

"Thanks..." He took both the medicine and the water before staring blankly at them both. "Why are you being so sweet?"

"I'm not, I'm being human."

"Mm, well thank you anyways." He said as he stuffed a few pills in his mouth and took a swig of the water.

"Don't mention it."

We sat there quietly for a while, and honestly it was nice; in a weird way... Like I've never just been comfortable around someone. We weren't talking, touching, or making out... We were just sitting there. And the more I thought about how comfortable I was, the more uncomfortable I became.

"So Keagan, what are your plans for today?" Jamie asked, breaking the now uncomfortable silence... I guess he was feeling the same way I was.

"Nothing I can think of. Why? Did you have ideas?"

My Roommate the Sex God Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora