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The past few weeks have been absolutely insane. Well, that's actually false. Pretty sure that day that we visited Keagan's dad was insane. But almost a month has gone by since then and everything is still pretty much the same.

As fucked up as it is, we've been pretty much waiting by the phone for the call that Keagan's dad had passed. So either he hasn't yet, or he did and his mother just never bothered to call. I mean, it wasn't like either of us were going to show up at the wake or funeral but still. I knew it was killing Keagan not knowing if his dad was still breathing. Damn that sounds so horrible. But nothing could be more horrible than the pain that his dad had caused, past and present.

My boyfriends' clingyness was still prominant, but it wasn't as bad as it was a few weeks ago. He was getting less and less dependent on me as time went on, and I kind of hated it; but it made me feel better knowing that he was getting stronger from all that has happened.

Keagan liked to go on walks these days. Sometimes by himself, but most times with me. He even held my hand and rubbed it with his thumb; and I thought to myself "wow is this real life?" because never in a million trillion years would I think of Keagan as the 'I'll rub your hand with my thumb' kind of guy. It just made me and my heart smile just a little too much.

I finally felt like we were on the same level. I always felt like I liked him more than he liked me for some reason. But now I know that he feels just the same as I do. I know this because when we fight, it's not a detrimental fight. It's a test that we pass with flying colors. Yea we yell, we swear, and sometimes one of our feelings get hurt. But it's never us giving up. No white flags are thrown. And I'm starting to realize now that if we haven't broken up yet, we probably aren't going to- at least not for a long time.

"You ok?"

I looked over at Keagan and nodded my head, smiling.

"Yea of course. Why?"

He smirked and looked down.

"You squeezed my hand."

I probably turned red. Oops.

"I didn't mean to. I was just thinking."

Keagan held my hand tighter as we continued with our walk. We just stepped out from campus to clear our heads. The dorms were starting to feel a bit stuffy. I wanted to just be home for spring break already. March was around the corner, thank god. I needed the cold to be over.

"About what?"

I shrugged and pushed my hair back behind my ear. I could not believe I let it get to my shoulders. My mom would cut it herself if she could see it right now.

"Just things. Silly things. Well not exactly silly-"

"Just spit it out babe!"

I laughed and pushed my boyfriend.

"Just like things about us. How far we've come. All we've been through. What's next and all that. You know. Boring stuff."

Keagan pushed me back and then brought me in for a much needed hug.

"That's not boring. Maybe a few months ago I would have barfed in my mouth, but not now. You changed me Jamie. For the better, obviously. God, I remember when I used to get on your nerves so bad. You so hated me."

I looked up at him and shook my head as we started to appraoch the school again; this time, heading towards the enterance.

"I never hated you. You were a huge pain in my ass but I never hated you. But... I don't think I changed you. I think that you just found yourself. Deep down, you knew you could love. You just didn't think you deserved it. But you do. And I love you more than I ever thought possible Keagan. Like. It's actually unbelievabe."

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