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I didn't realize how sexually frustrated I was until now. All that built up hostility and that ridiculously short fuse I had was all basically just my body telling me that I needed some type of human contact.

I never noticed that I went an entire semester without so much as a handjob from someone else, but now that Jamie and I were "exploring" I have become way more at ease. An entire fucking semester though? If that doesn't say something as too how much that little shit means to me, then I don't know what will.

Still, it was really really hard to believe that I went that long without noticing, that my mind was so preoccupied with Jamison and our lives that I didn't even realize that my entire life had completely changed.

"Keagan, go back to sleep." Jamison groaned beside me.

"No." I grunted simply and I just barely heard the small sigh that made right before rolling over.

"Why not?"

"Oh... I didn't really mean no, I just said it out of habit."

"Why are you even up?"

"Just thinking."

"About?" I knew I wasn't going to get out of this topic easily so I just decided to cave.

"Caves and how stalagmites form." And by "cave" I meant actually talk about caves.

"It's from ceiling droplets babe. Stalactites are the cool ones."

I looked at the boy in my arms blankly for a moment. I couldn't tell if I wanted to tell him that I loved him or if I just wanted to call him a nerd for that comment.

"Say more nerdy things Jamie, you're turning me on." I said, keeping my voice as serious as possible, but he just smacked my chest and made a funny disgruntled noise.

"Keagan, I promise I'll talk nerdy to you later but it's like four am now."

"Science boners wait for no one Jamison." I said, maintaining that serious tone again as I climbed out of bed.

"Wait were you serious?"

"Of course. This isn't a time to play!"

"Oh come back then! I'm sorry." He laughed. "I'll help you out."

And though the suggestive tone was exciting I was almost completely flaccid and just had to pee.

"It's okay Jamie, I was just yanking your chain. It was pretty sexy though, so maybe later you could tell me more sexy science things. You go back to sleep though, I just have to pee." I said before making my way over to him so I could press a gentle kiss to his forehead. Maybe to reassure him of any doubts he may have had or maybe because I was just slowly domesticating myself more and more each day. It was hard to tell now.

"Mmm, alright." He yawned. "Hurry back though. I don't like being in this bed alone."

When I made my way back after my bathroom trip I could feel a difference in the atmosphere around me, and it wasn't until I noticed Jamison was holding my phone that I realized something was wrong.

"What?" I asked, knowing full well that I had nothing to hide. There was no secret messages, no dirty pictures, and if anyone had sent anything new I would ruin them. Jamison and I finally getting together was a pretty small but big deal to some on this campus, so I had pre-warned Jamison that there might be crazy people I had once slept with trying to squeeze their way back in.

"This uh... This number has called you a lot... Like four times since you got up. Oh! They're calling again!" He tossed my phone to me and I glanced at the number quickly before putting it back on the side table. "Wait... Aren't you going to answer that?"

My Roommate the Sex God Where stories live. Discover now