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I woke up from my deep sleep kind of abruptly. I didn't really remember what I was dreaming about, but whatever it was startled me enough to wake me up 10 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. Usually I hated when that happened, but I read some research that said that when you wake up right before your alarm, it's a good thing because your body develops a natural alarm clock or something. So I just accepted it.

As I started to stretch to wake myself up further, I noticed that I had candy buried underneath me. It was so strange because I had no idea where this candy came from, I didn't buy any recently... so I was really confused.

That is, until I opened up my eyes and saw the 'sorrys' written on each one.

Wow, I didn't think that Keagan used that word. I wasn't aware that he was capable of feeling sorry for his actions. Not like he was this awful person or anything like that, but he seemed to have no filter whatsoever. He said and did whatever he wanted to and that was that. But I guess I blew up at him kinda harshly and that made him feel bad.

I shouldn't have been that dramatic about it, I was just nervous that Livvie would notice something was up between us. Which isn't even a valid statement because there isn't anything happening between Keagan and I. We slept together in the literal sense, but that was it.

He did sort of flirt with me in a weird way, but I had a feeling that he did that with a lot of people. I wasn't special.

I shouldn't feel special.

Not with him, not with anyone.

"I see you found the candy," Keagan said from across the room.

Honestly I was shocked that he was awake at this hour. He didn't have class until later.

"Yes I found them. Thank you," I said as I moved some of the candy out of my way so I could get up. "Apology accepted. Sour candy is my favorite."

I wasn't going to eat any now, I couldn't eat anything sweet or sour before noon. I'd probably throw it up. Never had I before, it was just a fear so I had so I never put myself in that position before. But I was thankful that Keagan cared enough to make it up to me with one of my favorite candies.

"It was a good guess. I just got what I liked. Selfish, I know. But that's basically what I am. And hey it worked out so it must not be that bad."

I shook my head.

He was selfish. And other things. But getting into it now wouldn't do either of us any good really. I was never one to start fights. Or end them. Or even get into them. I was a pretty peaceful person actually. I never got into arguments with friends or family members. I was always afraid of losing someone I cared about over something stupid.

I know that everyone makes mistakes; that's a given. But I try my hardest not to, with anything in life that I happen to do. Mistakes just make me feel bad about myself. It's stupid but it's just how my mind works. Sometimes I really can't stand how much my mind goes into overdrive. I overthink almost everything and it's quite annoying.

"So how come you're awake anyways? Did you want to see the excitement on my face as I woke up to these?"

I asked that question a bit more sarcastic than I planned. I hoped it didn't make him angry. He always takes things I say the wrong way without my intention.

"Very funny Jamie," he said with a smirk. "No. That's not why I'm up so early. You know me too well- I have a bad habit of sleeping in too late. But I woke up because my back hurts. This bed sucks. I need to buy one of those cushions that go underneath the sheet. You know what I'm talking about?"

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