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For some reason it didn't feel weird to stay with Keagan in the hospital. One in my situation would probably feel differently; because I barely knew this guy and there I was cuddled up next to him waiting for the morning to come. But I sort of enjoyed it; as enjoyable as it could have been. Like, I cared about him enough to enjoy it.

Keagan was a mystery to me, but that's what I liked about him really. There were tons of things I didn't like about him, sure. But the more I thought about that, the more I realized that there were tons of things he didn't like about me either.

And yet, he put himself out there for me plenty of times. He brought me to parties even though it could have been social suicide for him. That took a while to sink in. Because that proves that he cared about me too, whether he'd ever admit to that or not.

"Jamie your hip bone is doing some serious damage to my rib cage." Keagan groaned as he started to wake up.

I wasn't even mad that he called me Jamie. I was just glad that he seemed to be feeling better and returning to his normal self.

"Sorry. We're both skinny, it happens." I said while I adjusted myself.

But after a few failed attempts of trying to get our bones to stop rubbing up against each other I just got up out of the hospital bed.

"I am not skinny. I'm toned. Fit. Ripped. All of the above. You are skinny. Therefore you are the problem, not me. So yea you better get your ass up out my bed. Before I smack you."

I gave him a look that said 'screw you' just so I didn't have to say it. Of course I knew he was kidding because he'd never talk like that, but still.

"You're lucky you're already in the hospital. Just saying."

He made a kissy face at me, that is until the doctor came in.

"So how are we feeling today?"

I wondered if I had what it took to be a doctor. I mean, I thought I had the brains; but doctors had to deal with so much besides just the medicine. People's lives were in their hands. Ok maybe that's a little dramatic but even so. I loved biology, but disliked most people. I wasn't a people person. And I had a lot of phobias and other issues. So maybe I'd just stick with biological research and things like that. Yeah that sounds pretty good.

"Much better. Can I please get out of here? No offense. But my butt is literally falling asleep because I've been laying down for too long. And my arm is stiff. And I actually miss my dorm room. God you better let me out of here because I would never ever say that unless I didn't mean it."

The doctor laughed and handed Keagan a clipboard.

"Hold your horses kid. I was just about to give you your discharge papers. Just read it over and sign the bottom as well as the next page. I say this with as much kindness as possible; I hope I never see you in here again. Take care of yourself."

Keagan bit his lip as he signed the documents.

"Will do. Thanks Dr. Gibbons."

It would be awesome to be a doctor though. Being able to help people and whatnot. It must feel pretty awesome.

I guess I could work on my social skills and other social problems I have. Not anytime soon though.

Keagan started to get dressed. I could tell he was really excited to leave. I don't think I ever saw him move so quickly in my life. It was kind of funny.

"So we're going to get coffee. Real coffee from like a cafe. Then we're going to ihop and eating pancakes until we feel sick. Then we're going for a walk. Then we're going to school. Ok?"

My Roommate the Sex God Where stories live. Discover now