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Getting by without Keagan kind of sucked, to say the least. I mean, he said it himself that it was for the best. At the time I didn't agree, but I got over that headstrong attitude that I had going on. Our heads weren't in the same place and our thought processing wasn't in sync. But deep down I knew that the only thing that mattered was eventually getting back to normal; whatever 'normal' was going to be for us.

I knew that he was going to come back, I just wasn't sure when. The not knowing part killed me. We didn't even have any classes together so I literally do not see him or talk to him at all.

Part of me was hoping that I'd get a text or something. An 'accidental' run in or just anything to let me know that he still exists. I knew he didn't do anything stupid like leave or quit school, that wasn't something he would do. My mind was just racing about all these different scenarios of what he was really up to, and none of them were ones that I was particular fond of.

Like the 'Keagan in lonely and depressed' scenario in which he's doing nothing but eating chips in his bed and sleeping in the crumbs. Or the 'Keagan is now an alcoholic' scenario in which he's drowning himself in beers and bottles of vodka not knowing what day it is. Or maybe the 'Keagan is failing everything' scenario in which Keagan isn't going to class, and if he is he's not paying any attention.

Did I really think any of those things were actually happening? No, not really. But my sense of reality was off. Every one of those scenarios seemed believable.

I didn't want to text him though. I figured he would contact me if he needed me or wanted to talk. Then I even tricked myself into thinking that maybe he lost his phone and that's why I haven't heard from him in days, but he knows my schedule, he knows where I am; he'd come if he wanted to.

Maybe I was starting to freak out a little bit. I needed to calm down, in a healthy way. Perhaps a bath or some tea. Actually scratch the bath idea... I was back at school so those weren't a thing, I'm guessing for health reasons. But I would be so down for a bath at college. Or maybe it's just me.

I finally got off my bed and went down the hall to use the microwave to make my tea. My mom always said that tea helped alleviate stress and whatnot. She'd be proud.

Of course I burned my mouth on the first sip and was miserable for the next two/three hours or however long it look for me to get the taste back on my tongue. I hoped that it wasn't just a preview of what was to come in the next few days. I needed some good news to come my way or I was about to go crazy.

Livvie was super busy with studying for the SAT, I didn't want to bother her. Russ was out of the question because our last conversation involved him saying that Keagan was a slut basically. The only people I knew on campus were Keagan's friends, and I was pretty sure that they still don't even know my name. But that's besides the point.

I figured that I could go to the library and get some of my pre-calculus work done. My professor held study hours around this time and I did have a couple questions about the homework.

To add to my mishaps, it was pouring rain. So my trip to the library consisted of me avoiding huge puddles by jumping around them and holding my books close to my chest like a nerd so that the pages didn't get wet, because I was stupid and left my backpack in the room and was too lazy to go back to get it.

"Hi Professor Goodsmen, you're still holding study hour here right?"

My professor nodded and motioned for me to have a seat.

I asked my questions and he was great with assisting me with the complicated problems. Math wasn't my best subject, but it wasn't my worst. History was what killed me. Any other subject I excelled at, but history not so much.

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