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  I worked all night on this sign and I seriously was almost late to pick Jamie up. I literally ran through the terminals until I found Jamie's flight and of course people were already exiting.

He had told me the night prior that his mom gave him fair for a taxi but I decided that surprising him with a lovely little sign that boldly said his nickname would be much better, and make him ten times happier about his "homecoming".

"Are you waiting for your girlfriend?" I turned to see a small elderly woman beside me, and I didn't know how to just say that my very flamboyantly decorated sign wasn't for a woman. I wasn't sure how okay this woman would handle knowing that I was waiting for a boy... She was seriously old enough that a heart attack seemed like a very serious threat.

"Uh... Something like that." I smiled, and that seemed to suit her just fine.

She left me alone once her party arrived, and I was starting to get worried that I had ended up in the wrong area all together, but this was definitely his flight.

"Hey stud." I looked back behind me to see a messy haired boy with his luggage in hand. "Awh is this sign for me?"

I blushed a little before nodding. Three days does a toll on you when literally the only person you've associated yourself with just ups and leaves.

And quite frankly these few days have been the worst few days alone I've ever had.

I not only started feeling weird things for this boy, but my sexual frustration was just horrid at night. At least when Jamie slept beside me, I didn't have these crazy hot dreams about him. Which quite honestly is weird, I know, but my penis seems to want what it can't have a lot more than when it could possibly have it.

"Yeah... I woke up late since I spent all night on it... I'm sorry I missed you walking out."

"Don't worry about it." He giggled as he playfully hit my chest. "I'm just glad I caught you before I hailed a cab."

"So... What do you wanna do on this last big night before school starts again? Hookah bar? Dinner? Clubs? What?"

He gave me a strange look before handing me his bag and laughing.

"You and I are going to order in food and study for our finals coming up. How does that sound?" The look on his face was more "expecting" now, like he just expected me to nod and smile. Like he was just the fucking king of the castle or something.

So you know what I did?

I fucking nodded and smiled.


"Those gummy candies aren't enough incentive to make me want to actually read this shitty Western Civilization bull crap." I groaned. "Maybe if like... You lost an article of clothing for each paragraph I-"

"Let me stop you right there." He laughed as he popped a Sour Patch Kid into his mouth. "Your attention would be solely on me if I did that. Not happening."

"Oh come on!" I laughed as I tugged on his pant leg. "It would be fun!"

"For who?" He laughed as well. "Definitely not me! Maybe for you since you could make fun of my twig like body, but I'd hardly call that fun."

My face contorted slightly towards the end of that. I almost felt as if he insulted me more than he was actually just self deprecating.

"Hey now," I said, trying my damnedest not to sound too offended. "You happen to sport one of my top three body types. I don't want to hear you make fun of it again."

"Fine, my bad." He stated before looking back down at his book, clearly trying to hide his face. But from what his hair wasn't hiding, I could totally see his cheeks showing the slightest shade of pink. "So... What are the other two?"

"The other two what?" I asked trying to get him to say it, but he just pouted until I sighed. "Oh right, body types, it goes short skinny boys, short curvy girls, and tall awkward boys."

"That... Is not what I expected in the least..." He laughed. "I figured you'd like people who were... You know... Perfect like you."

"Perfect like me?" I chuckled and shut my book before pushing it off the bed. "What fun would that be? I just worked this hard for this body so I wouldn't have to work to get who I want, ya know?"

"Nope, no I can honestly say actually don't." He said behind a smug slightly judgmental looking smirk.

"Well, that's hard for me to believe but at the same time I thought you were a virgin for the longest time as well."

He scowled at me, but followed suit in closing his book.

"So, what you're saying is..." He smiled as he sat himself up on his knees and scooted closer to me. I watched him carefully... Or at least as carefully as my distracted mind could. "Is that I could possibly have any one I want, just because of this body of mine?" The spit in my mouth became too thick to swallow as Jamison ran his hand through my hair and twirled his fingers at the ends.

"Uh... Yeah I guess that's what I'm saying." Not my finest moment, but it was at least it was something.

"And what you're also saying is that-" he paused as he swung his leg over my lap and straddled me. "Is that I wouldn't have to put forth any effort as well?" I simply nodded my head... Because well... I couldn't do anything else.

My palms were sweating, my dick was swelling at a insurmountable rate, and I felt like I was about to throw up from how fucking hot my body was getting.

"Hmm... Interesting." And just like that the moment was over and Jamison was sitting beside me with the biggest shit eating grin I had ever seen.

"Wait... What the fuck was that?!" I asked once I came to my senses.

"What was what?"

"That! That whole show! The sitting on my lap... The sexy hair thing... What the hell was that?!"

"Oh that? Just curiosity."

"Is that your stripper name?" I asked, still completely confused.

"I was just testing your theory! Calm down!" He laughed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I huffed. "I think, I don't know! How did you expect me to react?"

"Better than that I can tell you that much." He busted out laughing even harder. "I figured you'd probably have our clothes off or something by now, I guess the rumors about Keagan Bradley aren't all as true as I expected them to be."

Ouch. Ouch ouch ouch. Major ego blow there.

I didn't even have it in me to prove him wrong... I just pouted.

"Oh poor Keagan." He cooed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and curled up beside me. "Now call us some dinner big boy, it's on me tonight."

I sighed and pulled out my phone and called the one place that delivers to campus and ordered both mine and Jamison's usual meals. We sat quietly for a while after that, but then Jamison got up and traveled over to his little dresser thing.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked as I stretched out. Though Jamison was only about 110 pounds soaking wet he sure did make my limbs fall asleep.

"Getting my pajamas on, you should do the same. We have about 6 more hours to enjoy before the shittiest school week and I plan on doing it in some comfy pants."

"Really?" I chuckled. "You sound like such a girl right now."

"Why? Because I want to be comfortable while I engorge myself on some what decent Chinese food?"

"No just the way that you said it..."

He snickered and rolled his eyes. "Fine, well you be uncomfortable in your constricting pants." He grabbed a pair of neatly folded pants and tucked them under his arm. "But I really think you should get into some pajamas and get a movie started."

He vanished into the bathroom after that and I really wanted to not listen to him... But that whole idea just sounded like a perfect and comfortable way to end this break.

The Chinese food arrived right after I put on my own pajamas and before Jamison came out of the bathroom. For a second I thought he might be getting naughty in there, but from what I could hear he was whispering to someone on the phone... I was half tempted to listen in, but then I realized how creepy that was so I just left it alone.

When he came out he had the brightest smile on his face; so bright in fact that it almost seemed fake until he plopped down beside me and took his food and I could just see the genuine happiness radiating from his face.

"What's with that grin?"

"Well, you put on your pajamas and my Mom just invited you to join me and my family for Christmas. She's really excited about meeting you so you can't say no." I opened my mouth to protest this because really I didn't want to intrude, but he planted a firm kiss on my cheek that shut me up really quick. "It'll be fun, I promise."  

My Roommate the Sex God Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ