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I woke up with a headache for no reason. I didn't even drink the night before, I was just so tired and drained that it just caught up to me. And then there was the whole Keagan thing... which I felt terrible about. He just walked away from me and kept on walking. Running after him was pointless- Keagan was one of the most stubborn people in the world, I knew that. I didn't think that he would just leave like that.

And also, I had no idea that he disliked Russ as much as he actually did.

I mean, from his standpoint Russ looked like a total asshole with no redemption. But Keagan didn't know the kind of person that Russ was like I did. I used to be so close to Russ, we hung out every day pretty much. I could forgive him for what he did, but Keagan couldn't; and that was understandable. I just wanted us all to be friends but I was slowly realizing that it wasn't going to happen.

Somehow I managed to get up from my bed and make it to my feet without crawling back into my bed like a lazy bum.

I rubbed my temples and started to walk out of my room and towards the guest room.

Just as I was about to knock, Keagan came out of the room and accidentally hit me with the door.

"Oh shit- sorry Jamie I didn't know you were standing there, are you ok?" He asked in a slight panic.

I was fine, the door didn't hit me hard, it just surprised me. It took my mind off of the pain in my head so that was a plus.

A small part of me wanted to pretend like he injured me so he'd feel bad... but my morals got to me and I decided to be honest.

"No I'm fine, really," I said and fixed my glasses. "Where were you off to in such a hurry anyway?"

Keagan held the back of his neck and shrugged his shoulders.

"I was going to go out for a run/jog whatever you want to call it. Before it rained."

It did rain a lot here. I was surprised that it didn't rain more while we were here actually.

"Oh ok. Well you better go now before you miss your chance."

I tried not to stare at Keagan's eyes the way that I usually did. I knew he was still mad at me and upset about Russ, so I didn't want to play the flirting game with him. His eyes were so enchanting though. Today they were almost jade green. Like the darkest green eyes I have ever seen.

Keagan looked behind him, and took his hands away from his neck.

"Pretty sure I just saw lightening."

I was glad that we were having a storm.

We needed to talk, and I had a feeling it was just going to get pushed back further if it was being pushed back in the first place.

"At least you didn't leave yet. That would suck if you were a mile away when the rain/lightening started," I said trying to lighten the mood a little.

I got him to half smile, so I tried my luck. "But um. Actually- could I maybe come in your room for a minute? We still need to have that talk."

He didn't say yes or no, he just moved out of the doorway so I could enter.

I had a feeling this wouldn't go well, but I was hoping that by some chance that it would. Keagan meant a lot to me; my relationship with him was important, and I wanted to make sure that we were ok.

I took it upon myself to sit on Keagan's unmade bed.

He wasn't going to speak first so it was my job to do so. I just didn't really know what to say exactly. There have been so many times when I was in this position, the 'I have so much on my mind but have no idea where to start' position. I could write papers on any topic and have no problem coming up with a thesis statement, intro, body, and conclusion... but when it came down to interpersonal communication I guess I just kind of sucked.

My Roommate the Sex God Where stories live. Discover now