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My heart wouldn't stop aching after Jamison took me to his special spot. I just wanted to go back there with him and spend the entire day just holding him and staring out at the water.

Though that was my first time ever seeing a beach... I kind of felt like I belonged there. The sounds of the waves crashing against the shore were calling to me and I knew it wouldn't shut up until I went back.

"Earth to Keagan.... Keagan?" I snapped from my thoughts and looked at the boy beside me. "Hey you, welcome back! Where'd you go?"

"Back to the beach." I sighed. "I really want to go again."

Jamison sat up a bit straighter and smiled. "Do you really? You actually liked it that much?"

"Well... Yeah! I've never actually been to the beach before, and it's so serene..." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly as Jamison's face continued to light up.

"We can go back there whenever you want! And I know it's cold out right now, but we could even get our feet wet this time... You know, if you want too..."

I sprung from the couch as quickly as I could and grabbed my coat from the hook it was hanging from.

"C'mon Jamie! What are you waiting for?" I said as I went over to help him off of the couch. "We're burning perfectly good daylight!"

Jamie smiled before rolling his eyes. "Fine but you're driving this time!"


I could hardly sit still once the beach was within eye sight. I just couldn't wait to smell the salty air or feel the cold brisk winter wind wash over me as I hold Jamison close to me to keep his thin body warm.

But before we could even reach the trail to Jamie's secret beach, I saw two figures running towards us and instantly my good mood vanished.

I could feel the tension growing between Jamison and I as Russ and Livvie reached us; both of them now completely out of breath.

"Hey! I was just about to call you to see if you guys wanted to join us! There's a huge bonfire happening tonight on the other side of the pier!" Livvie cheered before pointing in the direction of where I assumed I was supposed to look. Cause really, why would she show Jamison? I'm sure he knew where the fucking pier was. I refused to look though, clearly we came here for other purposes, and their intrusive invitation just pissed me all kinds of off.

"Oh uh... I don't know." Jamison finally spoke, breaking the now uncomfortable silence that fell between all of us.

"Oh come on Jay, everyone will be there." Livvie whined.

"I'm pretty sure he just said no." I deadpanned, not wanting to discuss this any further.

"I don't think he did, I also don't think he needs someone speaking for him." My attention turned to Russ as the snarky sentence came out of his mouth.

"Oh really? You want to defend Jamison now?" I scoffed before shoving his shoulder, which for some reason looked like it scared the piss out of Russ. "Because for a while there I was pretty sure you-"

"Hey hey!" Jamison shouted as he got between the two of us. "You guys should go. I'll call you later Liv."

I watched as Livvie grabbed Russ's arm and shook the mortified look off of his face as she drug him away.

"What the fuck were you thinking!" Jamison hissed as he shoved me lightly himself. "Livvie doesn't know about Russ and I!"


"So?! Really that's all you have to say is so?! Keagan, what the hell just came over you?"

"I don't like that asshole." I said simply, which clearly wasn't good enough for Jamison.

"He's still my friend Keagan." He sighed. "You're gonna have to get used to that."

"I don't have to get used to jack shit Jamison." I snapped. "I don't fucking like him, and I'm not going to play nice with a dickwad that hurt you. But if that's the company you like to keep then go be with your fucking friends. I'll just sit on the sidelines like I've done this entire vacation."

I tossed Jamie the keys to his car before zipping up my jacket and walking off.

I half expected him to come after me, but instead he just called my name over and over until I just couldn't hear him any more. Which honestly just seemed like a waste to me, because I'm pretty sure if he would have just tried to physically stop me, I might have caved. But we'll never know now.

I got a little lost on my way back to his place, but when I finally found it I put on my game face and walked in as if nothing happened.

Jamison's mother greeted me excitedly but looked around me for her son, so I knew a slew of questions were about to be thrown my way.

"Everything okay?" She asked and I could hear that worried motherly tone oozing from each word.

"Yeah, everything's good. How's everything here?"

"It's fine... Where's Jamison?"

"Oh, he's at the beach with his friends. I felt kind of out of place so I just left. He needs to spend-"

"No, he needs to not ditch the one person I've seen him actually smile around." She interrupted. "How disrespectful of him. I'm sorry he did that to you Keagan."

"It's fine, really.."

"And he made you walk? Oh he is getting an earful from me when he gets home."

"No no, really Mrs. Price... It's okay. I just, I dislike that Russ kid, so I left to spare everyone the uncomfortableness of my presence."

"Still, Jamison should know better than to let you just walk." She quipped. "Go put your coat back on."

"W-why? I really don't think getting him is all that necessary..."

"Calm down." She laughed. "I'm taking you out. You don't deserve to have to sit alone, and be bored on your vacation." She patted my arm before turning to the stairs. "Corrine, me, you and Keagan are going to the movies. Come on!"

I heard Jamison's sisters feet scamper around upstairs, but she came down quickly with a huge grin on her face. I could see the brief moment of confusion that washed over her face as she looked around -probably for her brother- but it was soon replaced with that ever so familiar teenage disinterest.


I fell asleep halfway through the movie, which for some reason Jamison's sister and his mom found hilarious.

But could they really blame me? I'm a guy. Gay or not, romantic sappy movies just really held no merit to me. Maybe if it were a comedy as well? But no, this was just some tissue box damsel in distress bull shit.

Would I ever tell these two ladies that? Hell no. But sleeping was the best thing I could do that didn't actually involve killing myself. So I really feel as if I should win some type of reward for that.

During the ride home I was surprised that Corrine actually spoke with me. Usually she just gawked occasionally and furiously texted away on that phone that really just seemed to be an extension of her hand.

"Oh... Looks like someone actually decided to come home..." Jamison's mother said once Jamison's car and their house came into view.

"It's fine Mrs. Price. I'll handle this." I chuckled, actually having no intentions of talking to Jamison. But for the time being, she seemed to have bought it. She just nodded her head in response and pulled into her spot.

I made sure to let the ladies go into the house first, seeing as that's generally the gentlemanly thing to do, but really it was way more of a self preserving attempt than anything.

But there was no noise coming from anywhere in the house... Maybe Jamison just went to bed?

But before I could escape into my room, I quickly hugged Mrs. Price and thanked her for the "wonderful evening." She laughed again, knowing quite clearly that I was lying and sent me on my way.

I peeked around the hallway first before I actually went all the way up the stairs, and I debated for a good minute on whether or not I should go to the bathroom before I actually go to bed, but I figured that was way too much of a risk.

So I just went inside my room as quickly as I could, but stopped dead in my tracks as my eyes landed on the sleeping figure slumped over on my bed.

It was kind of cute... But I couldn't just leave him in here like that in that ridiculously uncomfortable position...

So instead I sighed and bottled up all my pride before picking up Jamison and carrying him to his own room.

I was half tempted to just toss him onto his bed, but I decided against it and just laid his unconscious body down carefully before covering him up with the throw blanket at the end of his bed.

"Keagan." He grumbled and clutched my hand. "We need to talk."

I smiled at how hard he was trying to fight sleep, but I just shooshed him.

"Yeah, but it can wait until tomorrow."

"Don't leave again, okay?" He yawned.

This time I didn't have to respond. He was out before I could even process what he said, and I still don't know what he meant...

Don't leave him like I did earlier? Don't go to the movies with his mom? Don't leave his room? I don't know.

But I left and went back to the guest room anyways.

Maybe then he would catch the hint that I was really done with this Russ bullshit.

He wasn't going to pick a side, so I guess now it was my job to do that for him.

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