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Finals week was upon us. Usually I was calm, cool, and collected about finals week. I was never calm about anything, except school; but this was the craziest time of the year. This stupid school requires you to move out as soon as you're done taking your tests so they can avoid having everyone leaving at the exact same time. I guess they're re-thinking their one entrance/exit thing they have going on in the dorms.

I was planning on pulling all-nighters every night but I knew my body would give up on me if I did that, so I tried my best to portion out my eating, studying, and sleeping hours appropriately. It was very unfortunate that Keagan's not wearing pants schedule just so happened to collide with my studying schedule. Every time I opened a book, there he was in nothing but gym shorts or boxers. He claimed that it was hot in the room, but I could swear he was doing it on purpose. It was December, and the building had the worst heating system in the world so... yeah I call bullshit on that one.

Like, not that I minded; because Keagan had one of the bodies that just let your imagination wander. I'm not sure how to explain it except by saying I was wondering very often if he was... well equipped so to speak.

When I sat on his lap the other night, I did feel him get excited, but I couldn't tell if it was a full force type of thing or not. Not like I'm a raging whore and only like 'big' guys or anything, I just was curious and that was all.

I was also curious if Keagan and I would ever get to that point, but I highly doubted it because he and I both were teases and stubborn and stupid. We were stupid for different reasons. Keagan was stupid because he never ever says whats on his mind and makes me crazy, and I was stupid because I was making it a habit of wanting to sleep with my friends. But it's only because I feel a connection with them.

I never would have a one night stand. Ever. I wouldn't be able to accept being used like that.

"Jamie. How in the world are you going to pass your finals if you keep staring into space? I swear for the past 20 minutes you've been on the same page, not taking a single note or making any flashcards."

And back to reality.

No more thinking about Keagan, his body, or having a one night stand with him.

Now it's all about algebra, biology, and technical communication.

"Hey I don't see your nose in a book either. You need to study, your final is in less than 2 hours!"

He folded his arms and shook his head at me.

"Don't turn this around! I studied for History yesterday and the day before. If I don't know it now then I never will. And I'm totally fine with that."

Keagan walked over to me and peeked at my textbook. "Wait. You need to know all of this?"

I flipped a couple pages forward and then answered him. "And all this too. It's a lot. But I have stupid ways of remembering all the muscles and bones so I'm ok. It's just the illnesses and diseases I mess up."

Keagan sat down next to me and just stared at my biology book. I never saw him so interested in my schoolwork before. And in the weirdest way, it was kind of sexy.

I thought a lot about types after Keagan told me his type of guys and girls he's into. I didn't think I had a type, especially because I had only been with one person. But the more I thought about it, I realized that I did have a type. I liked guys that were taller than me, dark haired, and average builds. But besides looks, I was also attracted to guys with intelligence. The only guys I ever crushed on in high school were the ones at the top of my class. Keagan was smart; a smart-ass, but still smart. He knew how to get what he wanted and I found that charming in a way.

"So if I pointed to a bone on your body you'd be able to tell me what it is?"

I smirked and nodded.

"I'm pretty sure, yeah."

I had a feeling that I knew where this was going, so I just let it happen. I saw right through Keagan for the first time in a long time. He was usually so hard to figure out, but this had Keagan written all over it.

He pointed to my arm.

"What bone is this?"


He looked down at my book and smiled. "That's right. What about this bone?" he asked as he moved his hand lower.

"There's two. This one is the radius, and this is the ulna."

He looked down at the book again to make sure I was right before he kept going.

I was on a roll with every bone he pointed to, and it was fun. He was helping me study and we were messing around at the same time. I felt bad that he was wasting his own study time with me, but he said it himself that he felt as prepared as he was going to be, so I tried not to feel too bad. If this was easing both of our nerves then it had to be worth it.

"And what about this one?"

I bit my lip and looked at where he was pointing to.

"Pelvic girdle," I said hoping that I got it right.

"I saved the best for last. I love hip bones. They're sexy. Especially when they poke out just enough. Like yours," he said as he lifted my shirt up just a little bit. "That's why I like skinny guys; not the only reason, but just look at that."

And then everything I just studied escaped my mind.

Because all I was thinking about was Keagan dropping to his knees and kissing my hip bones, and how hot that would be.

He was making it so difficult for me to concentrate on anything other than him. His eyes looked so intense and his hand was still on my shirt. Like he didn't want to let go. All I wanted to do was have him take control and grab me and do whatever he wanted with me.

But we both knew that wasn't going to happen. We both probably wanted it to, but we knew better. However, those thoughts didn't stop my breathing from speeding up and my body to betray me.

I cleared my throat and smiled.

"Thank you for helping me review Keagan. I'm very sure I'll pass now."

He laughed nervously and released my shirt.

"Hey I had to get you back for what you did to me. Now we're even."

I squinted my eyes at him and pushed his shoulder, or scapula, if we're still on point with the bone naming.

"Well if you want to play dirty, I'll play dirty. There can't be an even score. One of us has to win," I said as I returned my gaze back to my book.

I could tell that he was brainstorming a million ways that I could be getting back at him, and I loved it. Challenging him was so exciting. The look on his face was priceless.

"Oh and by the way, on a serious note, we both need to start getting our stuff together. We have to be out of here in 2 days. And you have a lot of shit. So as soon as you're done with your finals you have to start packing. Ok?"

"Yes mom I'll get my life together as soon as I'm done. But I'm not wearing pants while I pack and you can't make me. So there."

Keagan was such a jerk. Now I was thinking about him pantless packing; bending over, the whole deal. God damn him.

"If you don't wear pants I'm packing all of your pants in my suitcase and you'll have to walk out of here in your boxers. Choose wisely."

"Fuck. Look what I've turned you into. I'm so proud."

I shook my head and clicked my pen so I could actually start writing things down.

This was going to be the most interesting Christmas vacation ever. I couldn't wait to finish up at school and head back home with Keagan.

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