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This week sucked.

Absolutely and totally sucked; I don't think I've ever really applied myself to an academic course in years. I was fantastic in art, like... Abnormally good at it. I wouldn't go so far as to say I was an artist or that art was a passion of mine, but I did well and cared enough to willingly pay attention. Sadly though, only one of my classes this term is art related. Other than that, I had to buckle down and take some serious courses.

But back on subject, yeah... This week fucking sucked. I actually found myself sitting in my room quietly, and reading through a text book. Not only that, but I was writing shit down as well. ON TOP OF THAT, it wasn't even for the class I had to beat Jamie in.

I feel like a total sell out. A little piece of me died as soon as I caught myself doing that. So I vowed that I would make up for it this weekend. With or without Jamie, I was going to go crazy. He had been acting funny since Monday anyways, so I don't know if he'll even be willing to go, but I'll try.

"What are you doing this weekend?" I looked up from my laptop to see Jamie walking in from the bathroom, looking a little more flustered and worn out than usual. I don't think he just beat off, I would have surely heard something right? So what the hell is wrong with him?

"Uh, same kids are throwing another party later. Wanna go?" It was almost shocking the response he gave, well, more or less the look. He almost looked relieved when I said party. It was strange to say the least. No excuses, no sighs, nothing. Just sheer acceptance.

"Yeah, I would really like to, when are we leaving?"

"In a few hours I suppose, it doesn't start until eight. I supplied alcohol last time, so they're shit out of luck if they wanted me to bring any this time."

"Well, are you sure you don't want to go pick up something? We can go look at the pillow-top stuff for your back if we hit up Wal-Mart, kill two birds with one stone? I know how big of a fan you are for pre-gam-"

"Fine fine! We'll go get alcohol, sheesh! You sold me at pillow. Lets go." I shouted, interrupting his rambling. He didn't have to beat around the bush with me, he should know that by now.

We walked out to my car in almost silence, there were a few words here and there, but nothing really important was said. He just kind of gawked at my semi luxury car and asked how I afforded it, I knew he was curious about it since I let it slip that I was a trailer park kid, but I didn't comment. I just smiled and told him it was a gift. It practically was, I mean, Jana couldn't drive her Cadillac anymore. So I had it now, and let me tell you, this thing was definitely my baby.

Once we got to Wal-Mart, I kind of splurged on myself. I actually sprung out an extra eighty bucks to get the memory foam topper for my bed. I remember seeing in the commercials for this stuff that you can jump on it and it won't knock anything over, so I was stoked to try it out.

"So, are we just getting beer again this time?"

"Uh, not if you don't want too." I laughed. "Why is there something you want more?"

"Well, yes and no, I want you to get your beers, but I think we should have some of this as well." He grabbed a 40 of mango passion fruit Smirnoff and smiled.

"Well, it's a little fruity, but if you want it I'll get it for you." I chuckled.

"You won't drink it?"

"Now I never said that." We both laughed and made our way to the check out counter. Of course I was carded, but thank god I had enough charm to distract the old broad from Jamie's underage ass.

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