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So finals for me were basically over and honestly this has been the best test taking week ever.

I had long since forgotten that challenge I had made to myself... You know the one to best Jamison in our night class together? Yeah, that was out the window, he definitely did better on that final than I did. But that was primarily because of this new challenge, and primarily because I just couldn't find it in myself to give a fuck about that class any more.

I don't think Jamison knew exactly how far I was willing to go to "even this score", but really; who doesn't love a challenge that is literally made to see who can make the other person horny? That is basically a fight made for me. If we were back in the early 200's when Zeus and shit were big, I'd be like Aphrodite's really hot brother.

So as you can imagine, the amount of teasing between us was absolutely insane.

I made sure every time I could squeeze behind him in a tight corner, I did; and I made sure that I over exaggeratedly pressed my hips against his. Of course.

He, on the other hand, wasn't so subtle with his flirtation. No, his was more like curling up next to me in bed and waiting until I was half asleep before running his fingers across my lower abdomen or just down my stomach in general. It drove me insane!

I bit my lip and trudged through the immense sexual frustration though.

But tonight was different. Jamison and I were leaving tomorrow afternoon and he had an especially hard final tonight, so he was passed out in my bed.

... So I of course grabbed his phone and scrolled through to the only name I recognized.

I walked out of our room quietly and waited until the door was shut behind me to dial the number.

"Ugh... Jamison, do you know what time-" I laughed at the girls groggy voice on the other end. I felt bad for waking her, but this was my only opportune time to figure out something good.

"This isn't Jamison." I laughed again. "It's Keagan, and I have a question."

"Oh, hey Keagan!" And just like that, all signs of tiredness had vanished, and I'm pretty sure she sat up... Probably fixing her disarrayed hair. Not that I really care or anything, but it was pretty endearing. "What's up?"

"Okay, so I just need somewhat of a favor, but you cannot tell Jamie okay?"

"Okay... Wait he lets you call him Jamie?"

"Well no, but... Ugh focus Livvie." I laughed. "I need to know what Jamie's turn ons are. I know -knowing him- that you two have had girl talk and you'd really be helping me out."

"His turn ons? Are you guys sleeping together?"

"No." I sighed. "It's a long story. Are you gonna help me or not?"

"Yes, sheesh! Calm down princess, let me think..." There was a brief pause before she started giggling. "Okay okay, well I remember him saying something about having his neck kissed."

"Alright, good..." I inwardly sighed, knowing that I couldn't just kiss his neck. That was too low of a blow. "Anything else?"

"Oh boy... Uh... He and I were watching this stupid romantic comedy once and we started talking about kissing... I vaguely remember lip biting being a big thing; but I can't remember if it was like during the kissing or just guys biting their own lips."

Again, not something I could really do.

"Anything else?" I basically begged. "I just need something that is easy to do with no real contact."

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