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I smiled as Jamison straddled my hips. It was kind of our new thing. If I were laying down or anything to that nature, he was above me with an innocent but mischievous grin.

"What?" I asked with a crooked smirk, and usually this question just leads us into a hot and heavy make out but this time he just ran his hands down my stomach and smiled.

"So... I got invited to go bowling..." He said, the innocence never leaving his face. "And I was thinking that maybe... Possibly... you should come along?"

I scoffed, not on purpose but just out of habit like almost everyone does when something ridiculous is presented to them.

"Oh come on Keagan! It will be fun!" He whined.

"Our definitions of fun are very VERY different then." I chuckled but his pout was starting to get to me.

"Why not?"

"Used shoes and hanging out with a guy named William who will most likely be fawning over my boyfriend just doesn't seem like that great of a time to me."

"Your what?" He asked and for a second I was really confused, but then I realized the minor slip I had made.

"Uh... Boyfriend." I repeated as proudly as I could, as if I had meant to make that small blunder.

"I'm sorry, I don't think you're pronouncing my name right." He giggled. "I don't ever remember being asked to be called that."

"Oh really? I could have sworn I did... Hmm." I playfully lied. "Oh well."

"No wait!" He laughed and took my hands in his own. "Come on, do it right."

"Oh boy, I'll do you right." I said, barely able to contain my laughter through the cheesy pun.

"Keagan!" He shouted, laughing as well. "Are you gonna ask me or not?"

"I ruined the moment! We'll have to wait until it's perfect again." I said in the fakest serious voice I could muster.

"Ugh you suck!" He groaned and fell off of me to the open spot beside myself.

"I mean, I could if you want me too... Know what I'm sayin?" I raised my eyebrow suggestively but he huffed and rolled over. "Oh come on Jamie baby," I cooed. "Don't be like that."

"Hmph!" He grunted and crossed his arms. I could picture the face he was making too, and though I would never tell him this, I really do think this is adorable. The whole "faking angry and pouting until I get what I want" is super cute when adult males do it. Not kids though. When kids do it it's absolutely the worst; probably because I can't gain anything with a kid... But hey, at least I might get a little something with Jamison though.

"Okay fine, Jamison Price will you be my official boyfriend? Hand holding in public, matching outfits, and all?"

I heard him squeal briefly before his arms flailed up and he attacked me with aggressive off centered kisses.

"Is that a yes?" I asked once he moved far away from my mouth to speak.

"Hmm..." He stopped and tapped his chin as if he were in deep thought. "I don't know, I'll have to think about it."

"Really?" I asked, pretending to be annoyed but really I was just trying to mask how fucking nervous he just made me. Because really, if he were serious that would probably fuck me all kinds of up.

"No of course not!" He giggled again. "I have to call Livvie! Ah! I have to call my mom!" He searched for his phone through the bed but then paused abruptly.

"That wasn't a trick just to get me to forget about bowling was it?" He asked, clutching his newly found phone in his hands.

"No Jamie, it wasn't. I promise." I laughed, enjoying the wave of relief that swept over his face.

"Good, now go get dressed."

"For what? I didn't agree to go anywhere."

"I know." He chuckled before kissing me quickly. "I promise I'll make it worth your time though."

He ended that suggestive sentence with a rather sexy wink so how could I argue with that?


I moaned loudly and squeezed my eyes shut as Jamison's fingers dug themselves into my back.

"Holy shit, Jamison." I groaned.

"Does that feel okay?" He asked as he pushed the palms of his hands down to kneed my now oily skin.

"That feels amazing." I grunted. "Almost better than the sex I was half expecting."

"We just started dating." He laughed.

"Mmm that we did." I mumbled, my attention no longer on the conversation but more towards the small hands that were working magic against my tense muscles.

"So, bowling wasn't so bad was it?"

I glanced over my shoulder and chuckled. In all honesty it was beyond fucking boring and that Will kid cancelled last minute. Apparently he had some "last minute studying" to do right after Jamie told him I'd be there.

"Yeah babe, it was great." I said, lying of course. I mean, who was I to tell him his friends were a bunch of squares? Mine are all a bunch of drunks so I really don't have much to stand on.

"You're just saying that." He laughed as he climbed off of my back and sat beside me again soI turned over to face him and propped myself up on my elbow.

"Of course I am, but I had a great time with you so that's all that matters."

I watched him melt again before he pecked my lips gently.

"You're so fucking cheesy." He mumbled against my lips before laying down and wrapping himself up in my arms.

"Mmm you love it." I responded as I brushed his unruly hair away from my face. "Tomorrow we're getting your hair cut. Even if I have to do it while you're asleep."

"Oh shut up and turn on a movie." He laughed. "Maybe I like it this long."

"Any longer and you'll start looking like a mop. A cute mop, a mop that I'd bang in a second, but a mop never the less." I said as I turned over again and turned on Netflix before picking some random movie like we always did.

"Jeeze Keagan, sex on your mind?" He asked as he resettled himself in my arms.

"Yeah, it's been months." I laughed. "I haven't gone this long since I was seventeen.

"Oh... Wow, so I really am that special to you?"

"Mh," I grunted before burying my nose in his ridiculously good smelling hair. "You could say that."

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