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I woke up with the worst kind of hang over headache. You know the kind that's accompanied by nausea? Yeah, that one, but on top of all that I could tell it wasn't even 5 a.m. yet. There was no reason for me to be awake right now, but then I noticed it. I didn't wake up on my own. No, of course not. Jamison was lying next to me squirming like an idiot.

"Jamie." I groaned, and immediately I could feel him tense beside me, like he had been doing something wrong, but I knew he wasn't. He had more self respect than to jack off in my bed, even if I did kind of leave him hanging last night.

Seriously though, what could I have done? I broke a huge barrier between us, without even thinking of the backlash of my actions.

How the hell did this boy make me do all these stupid fucking things?

First he has me being nice to him, and then he has me actually caring about his feelings? Sure it was all under the impression of alcohol, but he wasn't stupid. Even under the influence of ANY substance, I don't just give out free advice like that at least, and I've never just randomly cared about someone. Especially someone as useless as Jamie, but his wimpy cute whiney self just strikes some weird chord with me. Jamison in distress made me jump in with everything I had and put a band aid over the wound that might be forming.

I had to nip these feelings in the butt. There's no way around it. There's no reason for me to get Jamie confused about feeling I may or may not have for him. Though... That would be the perfect distraction for our class bet... No. No that's low, even for me.

He was a nice kid, and I needed to distance myself from him before that drunken kiss turns into something more. Not just for him, but for me too apparently. But... Not now. No, now I'm going to "unconsciously" enjoy myself and pull this sweet scented boy against me, and hold him tightly while we sleep.

And that's exactly what I did.


I didn't waste any time the next morning getting out of there. This seemed to be a really common theme with me though, so I figured Jamie expected it.

I just grabbed some clothes and my school books and left. I had a few friends on campus that I could stay with, but which one to pick?

A girl? A guy? Like... Which one? I couldn't go to Leonard after last night, and I didn't want to go to Adam/Darren's for obvious reasons as well, but it looks like I'll just have to suck it up since those are the only people who had a room big enough to spare a space for me.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I contemplated my two options, and decided to go with Adam/Darren. If I give him some sob story about how I'm changing and how I'm scared, his inner female will come out and want to protect me and nurture me until I'm ready to go face my "big life changes" head on.

It's sad how predictable people are sometimes.

"Hey... Kyle!" I said, quickly remembering his actual name as he answered the phone. "Look, I'm really sorry about last time we hung out, but I need you right now. I'm having a bit of a crisis and... I just kinda need a friend you know? Do you mind if I crash on your couch for a few days while I figure myself out?"

The line was silent for a few minutes, and I knew that wasn't my most sincere sounding voice, but it should have been good enough.

"Yeah, that's fine." He sighed and I could have all but jumped for joy in that moment. "When are you coming over?"

"Uh now if that's fine. I look like hell though, just a fair warning."

"Yeah, come on over." We hung up shortly after that, and I smiled proudly to myself.

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