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I never considered myself a party person. I don't even like to dance, drink, or be around a big group of people. So I guess that pretty much labeled me as a loser. Especially to the people around here. I really didn't think this school was known for partying and stuff like that, but the fact that it was a dorming school should have gave that away. These kids are away from their families and lives, of course they're going to want to drink.

But I don't think that's the reason why. I think they just want to feel free and loose and things like that. Which I personally never understood, because I hate the feeling of losing control. I wouldn't want to wake up one morning next to someone I didn't know. That's not the type of person I was. In fact, I was the exact opposite. Never had I ever slept with someone that I didn't love; that may have only been one person but still. I did love him, and I always would.

Some people think it's weird to have sex with your best friend, but not me. I think it's all about trust really. He was one of the only ones I trusted with my secrets, my ideas, and my body. He was the type of guy who would be there in a second if I ever called and needed something.

It's neither of our faults that things didn't work out between us; we didn't ever want to be together so there was no harm no foul there. Would it have been nice? Yea. Would it have ruined everything? Also yea. So that's why we stopped sleeping together and just stayed friends.

It was hard at first, because I always wanted to be close to him. So we kept our distance for a while. And then once we started to be normal around each other I got accepted into college.

I guess everything happens for a reason, I was meant to go here to get over Russ. I probably never would have if I saw him everyday. He was just one of those people that were infectious to be around; infectious in a good way. He smiled, I smiled. He laughed, I laughed. He bit his lip, and I pounced on him.

But those days are over. No more pouncing. No more kissing. No more touching. None of anything.

I missed it, sure.

And to be honest, it's been a while since I've even been near anyone. Something told me that that would probably change soon, only because it's been a few months and statistically for a guy my age, that's already too long for no human contact. Other than family that is. I'm pretty sure I was hugged goodbye when they helped move me in.

"Jamie, we're leaving soon. Aren't you going to like, change?"

I sighed at the misuse of my name yet again.

Then I looked down at the outfit I had on and became confused. Why did I need to change? I put at least minimal thought into what I was wearing.

"What's wrong with what I have on?"

Keagan laughed at me and took a sip of his beer. He was a fan of pregaming. He was already tipsy and we hadn't even left yet.

"You can't wear anything nice to parties... everyone knows that. Except you obviously. You have to wear a shirt you don't really care about and regular jeans, or shorts. But it's too cold for shorts so I'd go with jeans, which you don't have to change unless they're expensive or something. Because you're going to get beer spilled on you. Or other substances... I can't say with certainty that you'll come out clean."


Other substances?

Like what?

Spit? Throw up? Ew.

Being a germaphobe in this case was very debilitating.

I said nothing, I just started to take off my shirt because I did indeed care about it. It wasn't a lot of money or anything but it was nice, and it looked nice on me so I didn't want it to get ruined. Keagan was kind of still dressed pretty nice even though he told me not to. But from my observations it seemed like he didn't own any clothes that weren't good quality.

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