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I almost couldn't believe the series of events that happened over the course of yesterday. It was so random of Keagan to just come home out of nowhere with no notice. Was I happy? Of course. Was he? Not so much, when he saw Will's belongings all over his area. I don't blame him for being upset, but he did take things way too far.

Will was appologetic about the whole thing, but I told him that nothing was his fault and that Keagan's reaction had no reflextion upon him. Which was a total lie because I already knew without even asking that Keagan disliked Will. He made that incredibly clear.

I wasn't mad at him for scaring Will off so to speak. I forgave him pretty quickly actually. Because as messed up as it sounds, Will didn't mean half as much to me as Keagan, and I was just so glad to have Keagan back.

It felt more than amazing to be able to fall asleep in Keagan's arms again. I don't care how sappy it sounds, it's the truth. I didn't realize how much I really missed him until he was in my presence again. I didn't think I could handle another situation like that again; and I swore to myself I'd do anything to make sure he never left me like that again.

Keagan stirred awake and smiled while he was half asleep. It was adorable and heart melting.

"Watching me sleep you little creeper?" He asked in a groggy voice.

I smirked even though his eyes were too closed to witness it.

"No, I just woke up as well. I'm not a creeper. You're a creeper."

He rubbed his eyes and then wrapped me up closer in his arms. He had squeezed me a little bit too tight but I accepted it because I didn't want him to think I was fragile. I had a feeling he knew that already, but I guess he just didn't know his own strength.

"Is it bad that I plan on not moving from this bed all day?" I asked as I yawned.

I wasn't tired, I slept really good as a matter of fact. Keagan slept through the night too, and that was comforting because I know what a light sleeper he is. It was nice to know that he must have been just as content as I was last night.

"Not remotely. My plans are the same. I'll probably get hungry and leave you for waffles, but then I promise I'll come right back."

I turned to face him and smiled.

"You're only leaving me for waffles if you bring me back some. And feed them to me. And fan me. Slave."

Keagan laughed and messed up my already messed up hair.

"Well that escelated quickly. But ok I'll get you waffles and feed them to you. I doubt you'll want to be fanned though, considering it's basically snowing outside."

I groaned.

Me and the cold never got along. Perhaps Keagan and I could travel to someplace warmer once school was over. That would be awesome. With what money I have no idea. But we'd find a way.

"Don't remind me," I said as I snuggled into his warm chest.

I heard my phone vibrate on my desk and I knew who it was.

I just hoped that Keagan wouldn't flip out over it.

Keagan leaned over me and peeked at my phone. I was totally okay with it, I didn't have anything to hide.

"I don't like this Will guy. Like. At all."

I sighed and sat up a little bit, but still reamined close to him.

"You met him for less than 2 minutes. He's not a bad person. He's actually really nice. I know that's not what you think of him but trust me. I wouldn't have been his friend if he wasn't worth my time. And I think if you gave him a chance you'd like him too."

Keagan sighed as well and bit his lip.

"You know me, Jamie. I'm not the type to be friendly with people who piss me off. And I don't like to share you with anyone. Clearly. I mean, don't even get me started with Russ but you understand where I'm coming from. I just... don't see why he's even in the picture."

I opened my mouth to say something as to why he was in the picture but Keagan gently put his pointer finger over my lips.

"It doesn't matter," he said as he kissed me. "I don't want to talk about Will or Russ or anyone else. I just want to enjoy laying here with you. Because it feels like fucking years since we've been able to do this. And no one is going to ruin it. All I want to do right now is have you next to me, and have you happy."

I looked up at him and put my hand on his cheek. Keagan could be so sweet when he wanted to be. The rarity of his sweetness made what he just said so much more meaningful than I think he meant for it to be.

"I am happy," I said as I stroked his cheek. "So fucking happy."

Keagan smiled and put his hand over mine. His hands weren't too much bigger than mine, but I liked that they were bigger. Made me feel protected and safe.

I knew if anyone tried to hurt me he'd stand by me and make sure I was looked after. I'd do the same for him, but let's be real; he'd kick their ass way before I could get involved.

"Good. Because I am too. I hated being away from you. Honestly, I hated it. It sucked. I thought about you every day."

"I thought about you every day too. I had no idea when you were coming back. I hoped that it wouldn't be move out day. I mean, I didn't think you deserted me but you're a little unpredictable so I didn't know what to excpect."

Keagan smirked.

"My unpredicitibily is part of my charm," he said, still smirking. "But in all honesty I'd never desert you. Not even if you did something really bad, not like you would, but still. I think we both know by now that we're pretty much stuck with each other."

I knew he was kidding, but I liked the idea of being "stuck" with him. It would be the good kind of stuck. There isn't anyone I'd rather be stuck with than the man I'm currently laying next to.

"Oh definitely," I said half-sarcastically. "Hey pause for a second. I'm gonna ask you something serious and I want a serious answer ok?"

"I'm gonna pretend like you didn't just pause me like a movie but ok yes go ahead."

I pushed him and laughed.

"Sorry not sorry. Anyway. I was just thinking randomly in my head that we should go somewhere. Like travel. Anywhere. But maybe somewhere warm. Like california. Or south carolina. What do you think?"

Keagan's silence scared me. Did he think I was crazy? Did he not agree? Should I have just shut my mouth?

"You really would want to travel with me Jamie?"

I nodded and put my hand against his chest.

"You trust me enough to do that?"

Again I nodded and said, "Of course I do Keagan. I'd love every second of it."

He quickly smiled softly and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"You have no idea how much that means to me. I would go anywhere with you. Wherever you want Jamie I swear."

I could tell things were getting serious, and Keagan never did serious well. I didn't want to push it.

"Well. We can start by traveling into the bathroom to get ready. And then travel some more. To IHOP. You made me want waffles."

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