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As the days passed by, I felt less and less like myself. It was strange, because I was starting to notice how short a time span a person could do a 180. And I'm usually not one to self-reflect. But really. I went from being a shy kid who barely had a life, to a love-sick kid who would do anything to fix a broken relationship.

I knew that I needed to give Keagan his space. That's what he wanted. How much space, I don't know. I wasn't sure when he would decide that enough was enough and talk to me again.

It was killing me to not know what he was up to. There was so many times throughout my days where I felt like I just needed to tell him something- anything. But I couldn't.

And then there was Will.

Will was a nice distraction. He was actually growing on me. Not that I ever had a problem with him, but at first I wasn't so sure that he was being genuine with his actions. I realized that Will was just a really friendly person; he had a lot of friends. Different kinds of friends, all very nice and seemed to get along together great.

Of course I made those judgments based off of their facebooks and instagrams, but still. He talked about them as if they were one big family. And I thought that was pretty cool.

I had friends, but they were miles and miles away, and I was in the process of mending things with one of them. Keagan had friends, but they were all pretty much alcoholics and jerks. So learning more about Will's friends was a nice change of pace for me.

It was all pretty random how he and I started talking regularly, but I was ok with that. I tutored him as much as I could, and he was so appreciative of my help. He made me feel good about myself- he made me think that I was really helping him and I hoped that I did.

He texted me a lot more than I would expect from a new friend but like I said, he was just a very friendly kind of guy.

I eventually learned that Will was an only child, so I assumed that maybe that was the reason why he was so happy and sociable around new people.

I also realized that when Will smiled his eyes crinkled- and it was adorable.

Like right now.

"Not only did I pass, but I got an 82! An 82 Jamison, can you believe it? I'm so excited about this. And it's all thanks to you."

I held up my hands.

"That's amazing Will! But no, you earned that grade; I only helped you a tiny bit. This is all you."

Again he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.

He kind of reminded me of a younger more average looking James Franco... if that makes any sense at all.

"Shut up you never take any credit. You're an amazing tutor. And you're either going to take my money or at least let me take you out to lunch or something. I honestly wouldn't have passed if it weren't for you."

I bit my lip and shrugged.

"Well, if you insist," I said, emphasizing the word insist. "We could get some food sometime."

I wasn't sure if Will picked up on the fact that I was gay, but I had a feeling he knew without me telling him. I told him about my troubles without using Keagan's name. He had a look on his face that told me he got it, but I never really confirmed.

I myself wasn't so sure about him either. To me, he looked completely straight. But some of his mannerisms seemed a bit.. feminine at times. But it could so be me thinking too much into it. I guess finding out about Keagan was such a shock it prepared me for things like this.

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