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The semester ended as quickly as it started and Jamison and I were already nestled closely on his parents couch. Though this wasn't my ideal summer trip, Jamison had promised that the beach he took me too was even better in the summer than it was during the winter, so I was pretty excited about going and seeing that.

With that being said, I wasn't at all thrilled that Jamie and Russ were pretty close friends again. I could put up with them talking on the phone occasionally, but Jamie had thoroughly explained to me that he, Russ, and apparently myself would all be hanging out at one point or another. Quite frankly I'd rather shoot myself, so I explained and promised just as thoroughly to him that that wouldn't be happening. Of course that sparked a fight or two, and I really didn't want to bring up what happened the last time he forced me into doing something I didn't want to do, but I did, and he shut up and caved real quickly.

That would probably be the last and only time I would ever be able to use that though, but it was worth it. Russ wasn't worth my time, I don't want to be his friend, I don't even want to be acquainted to him. I just wanted to let my boyfriend ride out this bullshit friendship until it blows up again, so I can smirk my "I told you so" smirk and then pick up Jamison's pieces all over again.

"Keagan?" Jamison cooed so I looked down to see his bright shining eyes staring up at me.

"What's up babe?" He smiled at that and scooted his small body closer to mine and buried his face right against my neck, and for a second that distracted me since his ice cold lips were pressing small kisses right against that sweet spot he had no problem abusing, but then his small but naughty little hand slid between my thighs and rubbed up right against a much sweeter spot.

"My parents went to bed." He giggled against my neck, clearly knowing just how worked up he was making me. "Why don't we head up there too?"

"You want to go up to your parent's bed? I mean, I'm all kinds of down for kinky things, and your moms a fox, but... I don't think they'd be into that. I mean... You're their son!"

Jamison hit my chest playfully and laughed. "I meant up to my room you turd."

"Mmm, I don't know if that's a good idea. You're a screamer." Jamison covered my mouth and gasped as if he was completely oblivious about how loud he gets.

"Shhh! I don't need the whole neighborhood knowing!

"Well if I take you upstairs, they will know in no time!" I laughed and Jamison shook his head and got up.

"Fine!" He giggled and did a little hip wiggle as he walked towards the stairs. "I'll take care of myself then and you can sleep on the couch."

I huffed and got up before chasing after him, nearly tripping over my own two feet to get to him before he got too far up the stairs for me to pick him up and carry him back to his bedroom.

"Are you sure I won't be too loud?" He chuckled as I closed the door behind us and brought him over to the bed.

"I mean, it really doesn't matter to me. You're the one who will have to sit through the awkward conversation." I laughed, placing kisses all up and down his neck as he worked my shirt up and off of me.

"Mmm, I'm willing to take that chance."

"Maybe you could just burry your face in the pillow and I can do you from-"

"No." He laughed and interrupted me as I unbuttoned my pants and worked them off of myself. "If I can't see your face and kiss you while we're going at it, then-"

"Then we're just fucking and it takes away the specialness from it." I chuckled, reciting the spiel I've heard so many times right back to him before kissing him. "I know baby, I was only kidding." His sour face turned soft and sweet again after I said that. I really was kidding, I knew how highly he regarded sex and I wasn't about to take that away from him. It felt nice that he actually treasured each time that we did our thing together. My mind was a little more cynical, but I really did love this kid. He was just the right amount of stupid naïve innocence I needed, and I think I was the little smack of reality that he needed.

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