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I was surprised that Keagan kept himself together on the plane ride to my hometown. I was almost sure that he was going to embarrass me or himself in some way shape or form, because by now I pretty much know he likes to push my buttons and be a royal pain the ass for no reason. He did fight me for the window seat, and obviously he won; he told me he'd make a scene if I didn't let him sit by the window so... I gave in.

He put his headphones on full blast and was pretty much quiet for the rest of the plane ride. Even though he was quiet, he still managed to get under my skin somewhat. When the flight attendant gave him his peanuts he opened them up right away and started to throw them at me from time to time. He stopped when I showed him up and caught one in my mouth.

When we got out of the cab and started to walk to the house, he sort of hesitated. Of course I asked him what was wrong, and he confessed for the first time that he was a little nervous about re-meeting my family. The only time they saw each other was move in, and everything was crazy and my parents were emotional messes because their 'little boy' was leaving them. So it was really like it was the first time they were ever meeting.

It made me feel good in a way, because it let me know that he actually cared about what my family thought of him. And that mattered a lot to me; family is everything, at the end of the day they're literally all you have that is certain.

I eventually convinced him that my mom and dad were really nice people and would accept him as long as he was on his best behavior. I was slightly kidding. I'm not sure how my parents would react to such a troublemaker like Keagan. I bet they would just let me handle him; but he promised me that he wouldn't do anything too crazy. All I could do was trust him on that one.

My sister on the other hand was a little different. She was a really sweet girl but she disliked almost any of the friends I ever had. Especially Livvie. I can't understand how anyone could not like Livvie because she's one of the coolest down to earth people in the world. But I did have a feeling that Corrine didn't like my friends because she had almost nothing in common with any of them. Corrine was the type of girl who got fill in nails, ombre hair, and had a purse for just about every outfit combination she would wear. Like I said, she's a super nice girl but just very materialistic.

When Keagan and I entered my house my mom immediately hugged me and smothered me. I was glad that Keagan was there because if he wasn't then she would have probably suffocated me on accident. She was real glad I was back, obviously.

"Welcome to our house Keagan, please make yourself at home! Dinner will be ready in about an hour so you guys have some time to settle in and unpack," my mom said with a smile.

"Thank you Mrs. Price I appreciate you letting me stay here. It means a lot."

My mom smiled at him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Please call me Nancy. You are welcome here anytime you like hunny."

At first I thought he was just being a suck up, but he seemed really serious. I wasn't sure if he was secretly a really good actor or if he really did appreciate being with us.

I waited until we got upstairs to my room before I questioned him.

"Did you mean what you said to my mom?"

I asked him subtly as I started to put my clothes into my dresser.

Keagan opened up his bag and just pushed it against my wall.

"I'm many things, but not a liar Jamie. I really am happy to be here. After Jana passed... I didn't know if I'd ever have someone to have holiday dinners with. So yeah."

I bit my lip and resisted the urge to hug him. He wasn't a hugger, I knew that, I knew better.

"So enough with the sappy nonsense and show me where I can put all my shit."

I smirked and shook my head.

How did I know that one moment of normalcy wouldn't last for more then 20 seconds.

"I'll make room in my closet for you calm down. And after you unpack you can just throw your suitcase under my bed.

He just nodded at me and started to take his clothes out of his suitcase. I filled the silence by putting pandora on my phone hoping that he wouldn't laugh at me for my music choices.

But before he could even say anything, my sister arrived at my door looking bubbly as ever.

"Jamisonnnnn you're home yay! Oh my god I love this song, that's why I came in because I heard it down the hall," she said with a smile. "Oh hi! I'm Corrine but you can call me Cory if you want."

Cory?? Um. Is this my sister? Since when...

I just ignored it.

"Keagan, nice to meet you. You're a hyper one aren't you?"

She started to twirl her hair and bob her head to the song that was playing. "Yeah a little bit. I hate being calm it's so boring."

"Well that's a change. Looks like you and Jamie are pretty opposite."

She laughed and shook her head. "Nah we're a lot a like actually. But I'm more fun!"

I squinted my eyes.

"I am fun. Shut up Corrine. You love me."

She playfully stuck out her tongue.

"Hate you actually."

I knew she was only kidding so I let it slide. She was trying to show off in front of Keagan which was fine. Girls her age did that sort of thing all the time.

"Corrine come help me set the table please dinner is almost up!" We all heard my mom shout from the bottom of the stairs.

That's pretty much how any Italian family communicates as far as I know.

Corrine slowly made her way down to help out my mom.

"You sure you're related to her?"

I laughed.

"She's an exact clone of my dad. You'll see later when he gets home. I'm sure you forgot what he looks like. But, like her only bald and taller."

Keagan laughed too and started to bring his clothes to my closet where I made a space for him.

I didn't move out of the way so he accidentally bumped into me.

I expected him to make a remark that I was in his way or something like that, but he didn't say anything rude. He just looked at me, for a lot longer than necessary.

"Do I have something on my face?"

I started to freak out and touch my cheeks because the way he was looking at me made me self conscious.

"No you don't, relax. Don't make fun of me- but I literally just realized that your eyes change color."

Oh yea they do that from time to time.

It's weird because they're brown. Brown eyes usually don't change but mine do. They're either brown, grey, or a weird muddy hazel type of thing.

"How could I even make fun of you for that? My eyes are hidden behind my glasses 80% of the time so I don't hold it against you for not noticing. It's funny because you have blue eyes and they barely change. Not like I keep tabs on your eye color but yeah."

Just gonna stop talking now before I look like a damn creep.

"They change with the seasons, not to sound like a huge fag. But in the summer time they're basically all green."

Keagan had such nice eyes. Nice everything actually. If only he knew how perfect I thought he was; he'd never let me live that down like ever. But if I looked like him? Oh how different my life would be.

"Lucky you. I'm about to start calling you Ken."

Keagan sarcastically laughed and placed his pants in my hands.

"Help me hang these up, Barbie."

Dinner went really well. Way better than I thought. My dad and Keagan engaged in a conversation that wasn't awkward, and it seemed like my dad really liked Keagan. They were bonding over sports which I found odd because Keagan never mentioned sports to me a day in my life. But I was just glad that dinner wasn't silent or weird for him.

My sister and mom were talking about a Michael Kors bag, and I was just sitting there absorbing everything. I didn't mind not being in anyone's conversation for that moment. Sometimes I enjoyed watching my family do their own thing.

I offered to help my mom clear the table since Corrine set it up; it was the nice/right thing to do. I told Keagan to wait in my room and I'd be up in a second.

I also wanted to ask my mom something without Keagan overhearing.

"Uh mom can I ask you something?"

My mom opened up the dishwasher and nodded. "Yea sure what is it?"

I shuffled my feet and handed her the plates.

"Could you please make Keagan his own stocking? I think he'd really like that. I was just thinking earlier that everyone's going to have presents and stuff on Christmas and Keagan won't have anything. I want this Christmas to be special for him."

My mom took the plate out of my hands and smiled warmly at me.

"Of course Jamison. I'll go out and get him one, and you can decorate it when he's not around. Sound good?"

I nodded.

"Yes. Thanks so much mom, you're the best."

She really was. She understood me in a way that no one else really did. Not even Livvie. Not even Russ.
Hopefully she didn't pick up on the fact that I liked him... because as of right now he was staying in my room, in my bed, with me. She would so make him sleep in the guest room if she knew.

I had to keep my feelings for him on the down low for now, because I wanted to keep him as close to me as possible at night. I just liked having him there. I almost needed to have him there. It was nice, and it always felt right.
More right than it ever felt with Russ. I was still deciding if that was a good or bad thing. But at that point, I just didn't care.

My Roommate the Sex God Where stories live. Discover now